dla/mobility car

hi everybody i need to talk .I keep reading lots of stuff on this new pip ,how a lot of people that are on the higher rate dla&mobility are going to struggle getting back on it.I have both my dla and the mobility are on the higher rate .I was given an indefinate award 2 years ago .thanks to this i was able to get a mobility car.If i loose this i don,t know what me and my husband will do.we can,t afford to buy a car suitable for me as we don,t have savings to spare.it will hit us pretty hard and i dread the arrival of the brown envelope.the car isn,t due to be renewed until march 2014 i am living in fear of being called to an interview.all my family and friends tell me not to worry they can,t possibly take away my higher award but i know they are doing there best to get rid of as many claimants as possible.if i loose the higher rate dla we can just about manage but to loose the car would be a disaster for us.i,m 53 years old and theres no way i can ever return to work asi need 24 hour care.i just can,t beleive this is happening don,t we all suffer enough .why is the goverment taking away what little we have.i would just love to have five minuets with david cameron and ian duncan smith.i would like to know if they would be so quick to treat us this way if they had the problems we have everyday.sorry about the grumble but i get angry when i think about them.

I read somewhere that they will not reassess the people on indefinite awards untill 2015. I also read somewhere that when they do they will start with the north west of England first.

Hi Indefinate awards of DLA will start to be assessed from October 2015. The north west is the Area that new claims will be assessed from April 2013. The general election is may 2015. Lots can change between now and then. I try not to think so far ahead. Neil

Hi, like you I need 24 hour care. I was awarded DLA indefinitely in 2008. I am 60, so feel age is on my side!

It is a worry that we may have to fight to keep what we have.

We must try to calm ourselves about things that may not happen…that`s me too!

luv Pollx