Likely hood of them extending DLA

I know that this may be an awkward question to ask but thought I would try anyway.

I am currently in recipt of the higher rate mobility allowance until 2014 but when I was awarded that my DX was of dyspraxia which may have been helped eventually.

My DX is now PPMS which you all know will not improve and may even get worse.

My insurance is due next year and I am contimplating using my mobility allowance to get a car but I am slightly worried that they may not continue paying me DLA espesically with them now changing it to PIP.

I have heard about people on here being awarded DLA for life and was wondering if people thought that may happen to me wih my new DX?

Have other people with PPMS been awarded DLA for life?

Yes I have an indefinite award of DLA. What happens next year with PIP is unknown but ATOS track record who may be handling your and my assessment is not been very good. Nobody can assess their thinking.

If you have been awarded till 2014 you can get a car and all the extras if you have 12 months high rate mobility component left to run. What this Government will do is up in the air but I doubt if you have been awarded a car I doubt if they will take it off you.

2014 when your DLA expires is a different matter and no one can say if you will be awarded again.



Hi Jon,

I have PPMS and was recently awarded higher rate mob DLA ,this was awarded indefinetly via an appeal,I took the option of an automatic car as a manual was getting more difficult.

When we all get reviewed for pip I will try to involve welfare rights to help prepare the pip paperwork etc.I think its important to have help with forms etc to inc chances of getting pip,as I rushed my intial DLA forms and took over a year to hear appeal.


Thanks guys, that is kinda what I thought anyway and think that when it gets reviewed in 2014 I may get an indefinate award as I can’t see it getting any better only worse.

I think I may go ahead and get a car through the DLA/PIP as there are quite a few I like and I want an automatic, main problem is now which car do I choose lol.

I have still not heard from the DVLA yet but from reading posts on here I know that can take a while

Hate to be a misery, but I don’t think ‘indefinite’ will mean a thing when we go over to PIP… however I think you should get a car with your DLA now.

You might not be reviewed for PIP for a few years yet (it starts next year but will take a few years, just like ESA) and you never know, the whole system just might be a bit better by the time you get review (am I being too optimistic here? I just can’t believe this inhumane system can continue).

I thought I would get indefinite when I was reviewed in 2010 but I got it for another 5 years!

Pat x

Oh Pat,

We don’t ask for favours; you; me; everyone only wants what we paid; I know I did a lot of money into National Insurance. Now the Government are changing the Goal Posts and could not care ATOS.

Luv you, Georgexx

I guess I’m a misery also as I have had an indefinite award for 15 years then one morning in August brown envelope for DLA Review! I too have PPMS and went to welfare rights for help with form filling, the lady when looking at form said do you only see your consultant once a year, she said the DWP will look at that and wonder why not more often, as. I said to her well there’s nothing can be done for me, I don’t get drugs like RRMS, she actually said she hadn’t met anyone with PPMS only RRMS. Anyway I’ve now got to wait and see what happens, but I am concerned, it’s very worrying.

PIP will also mean a mobility vehicle if you want one, and hopefully more money once ATOS has weeded out the long term malingerers…it’s good news that Maria Miller MP has buggered off to another department in the recent reshuffle…I suspect the full extent of her medling in disabled peoples futures will soon dawn upon us all!

Here is what Maria Miller says in her defense: It’s true that we’ve had to make some tough decisions to help tackle the enormous debt that we inherited from the previous Government but our commitment to protect the people who really need our services and support is clear and has not changed.

I know that a lot of you will be worried about how the spending review might affect you or your family so I wanted to explain the changes we have made and will be making to Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

The change to DLA announced in the Spending Review last week affects people living in residential care. Their local authority care funding already provides for all aspects of day to day life and DLA mobility component meant a duplication of funding. Those in residential care will no longer receive the DLA mobility element. As soon as a person leaves full-time care they will receive their award again if they are still eligible for it.

DLA is designed to help with the extra costs associated with disability so we have no plans to means test it or to make it dependent on National Insurance contributions. It will continue to be available to disabled people who have never been able to work as well as to those who move in and out of work.

We know that DLA is an important benefit for many disabled people and we are committed to providing it but we are concerned that the application and assessment processes are complicated, lengthy and too often decisions are inconsistent. We want to modernise the assessment process and make sure this benefit is focused on supporting the people who it is intended to help.

The way DLA works is flawed and the current claims process means that too often people who don’t qualify or whose condition has changed can carry on getting money that really should be going to people who need it. This is why we announced in June we will introduce a new, objective assessment for people who receive DLA.

It is not right that a vital support for disabled people is open to abuse.

Many measures in the Spending Review have been specifically designed to protect disabled people in these difficult financial times. People in receipt of DLA will not be subject to benefit caps and will be excluded from some of the restrictions on Housing Benefit. All of this has underlined our commitment to disabled people with an extra £2bn for social care and continuing of the £6bn to Supporting People, more disabled people supported into employment than ever before and the piloting of Right to Control.

These are difficult times with tough decisions to make but we are committed to doing all we can to support disabled people to be able to have the opportunity to live more independent lives and have choice in how their support is provided.

(Me: I might add, Luv Maria xxxx !!!)