dizzyness getting to me now!!!

Evening everyone, hope you are all ok and had a good weekend.

After my initial attack back in June which i am still recovering from the only symptom that seems to be hanging on is this dizzyness. I have been prescribed stemetil, betahistine and cinnarizine and all 3 of these do not seem to work!. My concern is this may be something i have to live with (hope not) have any of you had similar problems and found some medication that did work?

Living in hope as i am back to work in October.


Sharon. xx

I find that the best thing that helps me with my dizziness is the cooksey cawthorne exercises as it helps reprogramme the brain

Hi Sharon,

Hope you’ve managed to have a good w.end despite the dizzyness.

Yeah, the dizzyness is a bit stubborn and likes to hang around unfortunatley. I’ve learnt what brings it on i.e: escalators, not eating, tiredness. When I had a dizzy relapse, it took about 3 - 4 months for it to disappeear and I had to take things very slowly. I’m trying out Yoga which is suppose to help.

Hope yours disapears soon.


yeah i can relate, mines comes and goes. Went away for a month there and now its on the return. Its weird though, mines is like a lack co-ordination/dizziness, messes with my concentration too. Stress seems to be the main aggravator so im doin meditation again. Tried the drugs myself and they did nothing so as per usual looks like were on our own with this problem.

Good luck and try to stay calm :slight_smile:

Hi Sharon,

When i had really bad dizziness i was given steroids.

I was then refered to a neuro physiotherapist who worked with me on my core strength and exercises for my balance. My gp did the referal - might be worth asking if this is possible. It helped me a lot.


Hi guys, thanks for all your replies with reference to my dizzyness. Might go and speak to my GP about neuro physio and give that a try what have i got to lose.

hope you all have a good day today

lots of hugs

sharon. xxx

annoying isn’t it??I’ve had light headed/dizziness for a litttle while now. the drugs from gp have not helped so may go back to him and see if any others. Don’t know about you but mine seems to come on with a numbness/ pins and needles to back of head/top of neck?? may seem weird?