Hope you are all feeling ok today . Just thought i would post on here that i returned to work last week on phase return, only doing 3 mornings at the moment but it was good to return to work but taking it slow at work as advised also by the occupational health doctor.
The GP was very helpful and said that sometimes you have to push for medication as it is expensive as i had mentioned to her that the
only symptom that seems to be hanging on is the dizzyness. With that in mind can i ask did any of you that suffered from dizzyness that had no joy with Stemetil or Betahistine after taking the plunge and requesting MS medication the symptoms went. The reason for my question is that the dizzyness is my only symptom and i dont want to have to take the medication if its not going to work. Any feed back on this would be much appreciated. Hugs Sharon. xxx
I had dizzyness with balance problems during a nasty relapse. Stemetil did not seem to help me at the time. I was so bad that i could not stand for more than 4 seconds (they timed me!) lol!
I was refered to a neuro physiotherapist by my gp. I went once a week for quite a few weeks as i was so bad.
The physio did exercises to challenge my balance. It was hard at first as it makes you more dizzy but as you build up it gets better. It helped me so much. I got back to how i was before the relapse.
The only time i have had the dizzyness since is when i am coming down with a cold.
The only way you’re going to know if it’s going to work or not is to try it. Plus, we are all different so what works for one person may not work for another (and vice versa).
Exercises can be really effective and are definitely worth trying, as Teresa said.
Thanks ever so much for your replies, at present i do Cooksey Cawthorne exercises with my husband, they are good to do and i have noticed a slight improvement in the short time that i have been doing them.
I will just keep ploding on with the exercises and taking betahistine for now.
excercise is the way, it releases so many good things into the body that cant be got any other way, even if its just a little at first day by day you’ll get there, just keep your head up and try not to worry
Just wanted to mention that you may find the dizziness may go on it’s own eventually. If you have been in relapse and are still recovering it may just be a steady recovery from it. Don’t give up hope that it won’t improve. I can see that you are not on the dmd’s - have they been offered to you? My balance/dizziness has been much better since going on the dmd. The phisio and dmd together sorted out my problems.
Do you have an ms nurse? It may be helpful to talk to her about the dizziness and posibility on starting DMD?