
Hi everyone - well you know my complicated problems already but I’m struggling quite a lot with my dizziness at the moment and was wanting a bit of advice. I’m on stemitel already and haven’t seen my neuro physio for a while as was recovering from my lumbar puncture and had all the other hospital stuff going on. I’m going to book an appointment or neuro physio when I get back but was wondering if anyone had any advice on dealing with the physio in the meantime

Hi Karina I have had great success working with a neuro physio for just a few weeks… my balance is improving and I am getting stronger. Best of all though I really like and repsect my physio and she makes me feel like I could be climbing Kilimanjaro next year (I’d been hoping to go 2016, lol)

You have an enormous amount going on right now Karina so I think the best advice I can give (until the experienced brainy ones come online) is to be really gentle with yourself and to eat and sleep well. If sleep evades you, I feel better just lying down and listening to music.

I am thinking about you and sending you a ((((((((((hug)))))))) Gillian

Hi Karina, my dizziness gets much worse when I’m stressed out, and with everything going on for you at the moment it must be making it worse.

Gillian’s advice is spot on. Be gentle with yourself.

Thinking of you hon,

Pat x

I don’t feel stresses by maybe my body is stressed with all the tests it’s been put under. My dizziness seems worse at night time especially when walking in the dark