Copaxone - can it be kept out of fridge?

Hi all, I am new to starting Copaxone (last wednsday was my first injection) and my MS nurse said that it should be refridgerated all the time…however I have read that it can be kept out of fridge for up to 30 days? I was thinking if it would be ok to take it out on a night time ready for the morning…or if I visit my family who live 100 mile away on a one night stay would it be ok unrefridgerated all that time?

Thanks in advance fo your tips xx

If you read all the stuff on Copaxone …

It should be kept in the fridge (between 2 and 8 degrees C)
It can be kept out for up to 28 days at room temperature
It must not then be put back in the fridge

So you can take a syringe with you for an overnight stay - but once out it should not be re-chilled.

I was told by the first Copaxone nurse:
To have up to two weeks supply out of the fridge (in those nice little one-a-day bags) coming up to room temperature
That there is a “window” of 8 hours either side of your normal injection time for the next one

That does give you a fair bit of flexibility, when you think about it.


I use copaxone and I was given a sleeve whitch holds a weeks worth in and to save keeping it out the fridge I use this

thanks guys… It was the nuse seemed quite adament that should be chilled and suggested I bought a travel fridge for when I go away, but then read the info that contradicted what she said so just wanted to double check

thanks guys… It was the nuse seemed quite adament that should be chilled and suggested I bought a travel fridge for when I go away, but then read the info that contradicted what she said so just wanted to double check

I take a weeks worth of meds out of the fridge and use them that way. That was what my Copaxone nurse advised as they are meant to be at room temp when used to reduce skin reactions.
She said as long as I don’t put them back in the fridge it’s fine.

keep a weeks worth out of the fridge, injecting cold can cause swelling, Inject at blood heat if poss. That’s what my ms nurse told me and it works for me, I can’t do arms though and struggle a bit because I don’t have a lot of fat. I was given two 7 day sleeves to keep mine in, the rest is in the fridge.Good luck with it. Sop X