Can't take anymore!

Hi Rahma, My apologies for not responding earlier but was in the process of moving. Nice to meet you too. Janet x

Bex - I too suffer from dark periods in my life (thanks to MS) and my son has had a bad time with his mental health…he was refered to the specialist psycharist team and they have been brilliant, with the proper advice and the right medication because GP’s are fine but they don’t fully understand each individual case and tend to hand out prozac or whatever they think in your 15min slot with them…mental health issues need proper treatment and time spent on them…

Folksongs19884 (Bex),

It’s been almost 6 months since your last post in this thread.

How are you doing now?


Hi Dom, time flies eh! Well, I am up and down really, some days I feel more positive than others. I try to accept that my life is how it is and there is nothing I can do to change it. I keep struggling on, like we all do. This awful weather doesn’t help, love Bex xxx