Hello everyone,
Just joined and not yet dxed, but keen to see any similarities between any of us, symptom-wise. Everything I do, or attempt to do, however small, in however little time, like sorting home admin into files, or brushing my hair, …I just completely burn up! … and worst still , I stay like that for hours.
Its impossible, I’m not sure whether its just my nerves playing up, or the side effects to some of the meds I’m on. I take Gabapentlin, Targinact, Amytriplin, and Thyroxine ( Ive been tested and Im on the right dose). If these sweats are the ‘norm’ for Ms sufferers, then I’m dreading the Summer. (Thats if I have MS ofcourse) . At 43, Ive not yet menopaused but I recognise the signs, and the sweats and burning up I get now are brought on mostly by simple tasks/actions - not hot flashes. Im doing the sensibles… wearing loose cotton clothes, putting the cool fan on, drinking water, opening windows… I’m best when Im lying down doing nothing. Its so silly.
It seems that besides the pain and disabilities brought on by MS, its so difficult to do anything when I feel like I’m inside a microwave. My body tells me to stop, but my brain tells me I need the exercise. Guess who wins…
Any advice ? or ‘burning up’ stories of your own?
almond xxx
Hi Almond, I sometimes get a burning foot. But not so severe as your burning ups. Have you seen your GP about it? Good luck Min xx
Hi Almond, I’m also 43, I get ‘hot flushes’ a lot, thought it was early menopause symptoms but not sure?? The hormonal system and nerve system are complex and sensitive hence why we feel hot, cold, pain tingly numb etc when something’s amiss like a short electrical circuit I suppose. My physio told me last week my nervous system is on red altert and sensitive to everything which makes sense. Hard to dampen it down sometimes though. Hope you cool down soon Take care Ally
Thanks to Min and Ally for the replies. Min, I too had hot feet, but this seemed to spread/ progressed to my whole body in the last few months. I am seeing my GP soon, so I will mention it, he’s a great Doctor but I know what hes going to say…“wait and see what your Neuro says…” Ally, I love the term “on Red Alert”, its brilliant, definately feels like reaching boiling point. I was tested for early Menopause 6 months ago, due to different symptoms. The test came back negative. May be I need to get it checked again. Its a simple blood test, so maybe you could check too. Lately the burn up has calmed down, but that could be because I am resting as much as possible. I guess I will just have to add it to my long list of symptoms and wait and see my Neuro.
Hi Almond,
Some people with MS find that their temperature control is all over the place. I have autonomic dysfunction (caused by my MS) and have the most terrible night sweats (amongst other things). Hoovering is also a no-no for me, as I’m drenched within seconds. I’m 49 now, so I would have suspected peri-menopause, but I’ve had them for 11 years now, lol!
Cooling scarves/wrist bands (containing water retaining gel) work well for me when I start to overheat, and are fairly cheap on Amazon/Ebay.
Hi all, Mags hoovering is always a no-no for me lol, I live in 3 storey house and dragging up 2 flights of stairs is torture. I ironed other day and was like been in a sauna. I hate been cold, but can overheat quickly. Good tip on the cooling bands etc, I’m gonna have a look to take on hols. Have used the Magicool spray before which is quite good. Ally x
Great advice, thanks. I will look in both items. Nice to hear Im not the only one struggling.
Almond xx