Burning senzation

Hi all,
I am new here. I am in the system now to see if all my symtoms could me MS. I had a Plexus nevritt in may and lost all strebght in my right arm. The pain was terrible for weeks but finally got better as I could move my arm again. A few months ago I started to feel some burning pain in my toes. Then stigning in different part if The body, until the past weeks where my entire body is burning. Thighs, neck, chest. All The time.I have a neck that has several very narrow discs.I Wonder if anyone else has these burning senzations all over their body?
Thabk you so much.
Rgds, Trin

Hi Trin
One of my longest running symptoms is a burning sensation, severe sun-burn type burning, along with pins & needles and random completely numb patches to the entirety of my left side, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, torso, leg and foot - Just the left side.

Burning sensation is not unusual. It’s a sign of neuropathy in MS. It’s a type of pain. I have had it in both hands. Yes, both hands had gone numb for a total of about 9 months. Back to normal now, with RRMS and starting plegridy soon. I know it’s possible to have it in the toes too. It can be a sign of MS, and /or diabetes, among other things.