Tingling and burning everywhere...?

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if any of you could advice me on whether it is common in MS that burning sensations, as well as tingling or pins and needles, happen everywhere on the body? I get burning sensations, as well as pins and needles, on my legs, arms, hands, back, and sometime face as well. They each last for a couple of seconds (like 5) and then fades away. My right leg however, has a warm sensation on it that lasted far longer (it came about 2 months ago, then went away, and now came back; it goes and come throughout the day, and tend to stick around at night; it also felt somehow a bit weaker). In the meanwhile, all my body feels like a sparkling firework with parastesia… For those who saw my previous post, I also had two sensomatory evoked potential that came back negative, and I am waiting to have my MRIs now in one month.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

that burning feels to me like inflammation.

mine is constant.

carole x

Thanks for your answer. I still find it quite strange, however. Time will tell, I guess. Patience is not an easy game to play, especially when our time is all limited.