"Blonde moment"

Hi all

Hope today is being kind to everyone, and thought you could all have a chuckle at what my daughter calls my “blonde moment”, although I would refer to it as a " senior moment".

Just sat quietly typing a reply to Pats update on Dickie, and hubby appears from the garage, to inform me he is just turning the electric off for a couple of minutes to change a plug or something.

OK I say, finish my reply and could not for the life of me work out why it would not post, forgetting all about the electric and the internet!!

No worries I thought, I will make a cup of tea and try again…kettle won’t work now!!

It honestly took me a few minutes to work out why (should I have revealed that). Hope my silliness raises a smile for you, it has me!

Cath, I need your memory to remind me to stop having myy “blonde moments” lol

Pam x


Hehe great Pam! Just the sort of thing I usually do!!!

Pat xx

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Oh Pam it’s so good to know I’m not the only one!!

Nina xx

ps, sadly I can’t use the blonde excuse being brunette!


You’re too kind. My brain is a sieve and your blonde moments are exactly the silly things I do. I’ve just noticed the date and remembered that my car needs taxing (reminder letter is on the table in front of me, stood up so as not to be forgotten).

I was asked to go into the nursing home I used to work in on Monday to take blood from a difficult patient and I agreed, despite the fact that my daughter and I had been discussing an appointment she has then. I had to phone back and re-schedule it, and if your post hadn’t mentioned the fact you thought me organised I’d not have remembered it to put on the calendar.

If not for very understanding family, friends and hairdresser etc I’d be a very unpopular person. I’ve got to write notes about EVERYTHING. I’ve got my phone, calendar, diary, white board, notebooks and I still have scraps of paper with things I’ve thought of in between. It’s a good job we actually breathe without having to remember or I’d be a goner.

Take care.

Cath x

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My husband just rolls his eyes at me Those moments are frequent with me… so much so that I’ve been blonde for 4/5 years now and have still not used that excuse!

Sonia xx

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