Bikers With MS (NON MS Specific)

Hi folks we have made a group called Bikers With MS , we are a pretty niche bunch as most folks with MS or ON would distance themself from a bike or 2 or 3 wheels , we are just nutters , we want the group to grow to a place where we can support and give hints tips and tricks and share our secrets to staying on 2 or 3 wheels the group is open to anyone and bikers riders or pillions and trikers or ex-bikers or current please do support us and help us to help others in the long run we have also added your page to our forum directory so folks know how to find you as an update id like to thankyou the MS Society & the members on this board for the words of support we are now 12 months old and have 692 members respect to you all regards

Hi Mr Sheep,

seasons greetingz & thingz,, ive tried to stay away from facebook & all the other forms of cyber friends, & maitain ma own personality! But, alass, it seems now that i must wind ma neck in, & join the mases! OH the pain! my dog will never look at me the same again! ,

the M/C group is a fine fine fine idear, i miss my bike days so so very much, i do wish you so much luck for your hard work can i join as a non M/C owner?

Xmass julien, stay safe,

Hi Juju many seasons greetings to you to bud, yep it would be great to have you buddy come join up you have a love for bikes and of course ms has touched your world so very welcome buddy

respect sheep

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Its not an MC buddy its just a support group for bikers

respect sheep

Isn’t that just M/C used as an abbreviation for ‘motorcycle’? that’s how I read it. I have no time for clubs in the sense of ‘Sons of Anarchy’ type MCs… never have had.

Hi Fracastorious yes M/C is an abbreviation of motorcycle most clubs are classed as MC’s or MCC’s , ours is just purely a rider support network for those riders or pillions with MS

Respect sheep