Glad the site has been updated as i couldn’t sign up to old site, however i did follow the old website regularly as i had been diagnosed on april fools day and had been strugglin to come to terms with it all but seeing that others were going through the same thing as me offered me comfort and hope (as sad as that sounds) Its been 6 months now, still difficult, however i have came to terms and adjusted now, just gotta stay positive and know that others have it worse, it could have been so much worse! Don’t know what im hoping to gain from writing this, guess just a way for me to say thank you to all of you because you helped me come to terms with this even though you all didn’t know i existed, thank you!x Chris

Hi Chris, Sorry to hear about your diagnosis - glad this site is helping you to come terms with it - we’ve all been in that position- don’t know if any of us has really accepted it. Keep well and keep positive. Jen x

thank you

Glad you’re with us, Chris. Alison x

Welcome Chris :smiley: And Suzy :smiley: Karen x

WelcomeChris :lol: Welcome Suzy :smiley: Clarexxx