Back pain

Hello all. I was hoping for some advice Has anyone used a chair back massager? I have SPMS and also i have diabetes type 2. Just wanted to know if these chair massager are any good for us and if they are safe. Thanking you

So no, I’ve never used 1, but I do suffer with terrible back pain, I have massage and do try when ever I can do do back exercises…not easy at times, as fatigue and pain make it difficult…I’ll wtch this post with interest.

Jean x

Dear Jean, Lets hope we can get some interest in my post that may help us both. I used a friends back massager and it felt really nice. I was going to buy one but im not sure if its good for us, so this is why i asked the question… x

I bought a back massager its a snailax back massager and its really good, it does give relief. Though my back is not good at all at the moment i am only using it for little while. The pain is just more worse at the moment and will have to also look into something else to help get this pain sorted.

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I swear by codeine phosphate.

as it is an opiate I keep it to only 2 a day, so if the pain is really bad I’m allowed 2 more.

opiates are where it’s at man!

Hi, over the 22 years I have had PPMS, I have had periods of really severe back pain…usually in my lower back.

It has always been sorted eventually, by the following;

change of position…with help from others to turn me in bed


new support cushions…

paracetomol dont do much to help.

I was given oraform in the hospice, but prefer not to as it is addictive and not a great idea, unless you are on palliative care.


Thank you for your replies, I use morphine patches to help the pain plus other medication. I have also had the spinal injections but its just getting worse since lockdown. I do try and walk a little but it actually just makes it worse. I will now discuss it with my Neurologist and see if there is anything else that can be done. Must say the massager is a nice relief if only for a little while.

People laugh at me, but I swear by a hot water bottle on my lower back every night when I go to bed (even in hot weather). If I skip it, the back pain dramatically increases the next day and I have more trouble moving my legs. As long as I use it every single night, the pain and discomfort are marginal.

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No i totally agree its been a life saver for me to. Though the pain is to the point unbearable and no one to help. I do feel very lost. Since all this covid started my back has only got worse. But yes a hot water bottle is soooo nice xx


Have you an MS Nurse? Or can you contact your Dr / Consultant for advice or Medication?

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