Hi All, I’ve been really struggling with backache and what the ms world call a bear hug as well. Ìm SPMS and don’t know if my Neurologist can really help me. Has anyone tried anything else that has helped them, if so please can you help. This is really making my life really hard, its a every day struggle. Hope to hear something good from someone. Thanking you Niyra
I suffer terrible with back ache and I’m currently under physio, all be it telephone appts, he’s given me some exercises to do, + I use heat pads to try and relax the muscle, I also pay for massages, she comes to my home, all of this helps upto a point, but doesn’t take it all away, I still have bad flare ups, good luck.
Jean x
Hi my severe back pain is usually rectified by a change of support cushions and re-positioning. When I take paracetomol, it takes an age for them to work.
so sorry that you’re suffering with backache:(
I just do the normal remedies really, massage, gentle stretches, keeping the area warm with a hot water bottle etc. I find the mornings are the worst time for me , although i suffer with aches and stiffness all over , and throughout the day.
Try speaking to your ms team , see if they can help prescribe you something, Hope you find some relief soon.
Thank you for your posts, i will speak to my MS nurse and see if they can help. I use the hot water bottle all day as it does take the edge of the pain. I mentioned in another post that i have a back massager chair and i am using that as well. Plus morphine patches i use still the pain persists… Thank you all … x
Get a physio to check out your gait and suggest some strengthening exercises to help correct any problems. Something else to consider is acupuncture, as it certainly eased the pain in my back a few years ago. The MS Therapy Centres usually offer this service (if open), assuming you have one in range.