Back home again

Hi everyone!

Back home after a fab Hilton Spa hotel long weekend in Blackpool!

Twas wonderful. Normally the train journey from Halifax to Blackers is 1.39hrs…straight through. Oh, but no…not last Friday! First off, I bashed my recently operated on big toe! Oh it did chuffin hurt…squashed it in the station lift…totally my own fault, for driving my wheelie and looking the wrong way, whilst talking excitedly about the hol.

It spasmed for hours. Owwww! Then the real fun began! There was vandalism on the line somewhere! So trains were disrupted and we’d had to get off at Blackburn and would be bussed to Preston, for a train to our destination.

So course I asked if the bus would be accessible to me? No! Oh? I would have a taxi right to Blackers. OK.

Got to Blackburn, was rushed by other disgruntled passengers, got off train and bashed my toe again in tight space and ripped a lump off arm of me chair!

So a station man told me to get on a train to Preston…eh?..what about taxi? …not needed as a train was in. Oh, OK.

Dunno with the chuff was going on. Then at Preston we got another train to Blackpool…was the vandalism sorted then? No one knew!

Right now it was 3.30 and the spa was ringing me asking why we hadn’t turned up for our 2pm treatments? I know! I did try to ring them. Couldn’t get through!

Taxi had been cancelled, as we hadn’t arrived off the 12.15pm train! We eventually got one and reached the hotel and our room at 4.20pm. I was bashed, bruised and knackered!

The spa girls had gone home…no wonder eh?

So better news …spa was rearranged for Sunday.

Saturday we shopped till we dropped…bags with blingy charms, bangles, blingy specs case, Kylie perfume, and a feathery fascinator and flower, for a wedding.

Back to hotel for a rest and sumptuous dinner, cocktails and laughter!

Sunday spa…Indian head massage, deep cleansing facial and wow!..shellac red fingernails with diamante trim!

Home safe today on just one through train.

Resting in bed now and smiling both inwardly and outwardly!


Love Pollyxx

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Apart from the hiccup it sound like a fab time, massage, facial and Shellac total bliss.

Jan x

This lady knows how to enjoy herself. Even with all the toe-trauma - and changing trains. Hope the smiles will be long lasting ~Poll.

Apart from the drama with the outbound journey, it sounds fab Poll. I’m glad you had a great time.

Tracey x

Ta guys!pollx