Advice please xxxx

Hi All

Day before yesterday when going to light a candle my right thumb just wouldn’t work!

I can try all I like to light my lighter but it just won’t do it!! I hoped it would go away but it’s still bad today. I’m dropping things all over the placex

It’s not numb and I can move it around - but it feels weird like it doesn’t belong to me!!

It’s like my thumb is just not listening to my brain when I want it to do certaind movements! x

Anyone else get this? Do you think it’s the Baclofen? I so hope not because the Baclofen has made a huge difference to me an I really don’t want to stop taking it


Hi Kizzy,

Although I couldn’t absolutely swear to it, I don’t reckon it’s the Baclofen, no. It sounds more like a typical MS-type thing than a Baclofen-type thing.

Also, haven’t you been on the Baclofen quite a few days now? Unless you’ve just recently increased the dose, I can’t see why side-effects would suddenly cut in now, when it’s been fine this long… I think if you were going to have side-effects, you’d have noticed them pretty soon after starting it.


Thanks Tina x

I’ve been on the Baclofen for a few weeks now & it’s been great - I upped the dose around 10 days ago to 10mg 3 times a day. and can’t believe the difference it’s making to my leg stiffness and spasms - and the hug has all but gone too - I know it’s the Baclofen working as I can feel it coming back some when it’s nearing the time for my next dose - it’s such a relief after suffering for such a long time with them not giving me meds - it’s bliss xx

I’m worrying about my hand not working properly as it’s a new symptom - and very annoying!! I’ve had problems with doing repetitive things like peeling potatoes etc in the past - like stiffness - but now I’m struggling picking things up and do finer movements - it’s such a weird sensation!

The horrible intense heat thing is back with a vengeance too - I guess I’m just hoping I’m not going ill again xxx

Hi Jen

(good to have you back)

I’ve not taken baclofen but I’d be inclined tyo agree with Anitra I think you would have noticed symptoms quiet quickly if they were related to your baclofen.

I’m not as bad now but used to have issues when I did activities like golfing or held things in certain ways which weould tire my hand out. I’d then be constantly dropping things as my hand would just go - almost dropped a kettle of boiling water on myself once but with mine it did wear off once I’d stopped over exerting.

I also had jerking of my thumb for a few hours after I’d overdone it and held the IPAD for 30mins. My thumb hurt but felt numb and very strange after. It’s certainly very worrying - I use my hands a lot for my job.

Tell your neuro if it doesn’t go or gets worse.



Thanks Reemz x Yes I have had the stiffness and loss of grip after overexerting but this has come out of the blue x

I just tried to write some notes while on the phone - and my hand just won’t cooperate!!

It’s really starting to freak me out!!!

Will ring the doctor if it doesn’t ease up over the next few days xxxjenxxx

Hi, I had something similar happen a year before I had my main symptoms. It freaked me out that my left hand wouldn’t work. I went to hospital to have it checked. They strapped it. I’m sure this was my first symptom. I wasn’t taking anything then so to me it sounds like an ms symptom and worth checking out. My hand works now but is not as strong, so good luck. Hope it gets better soon Lynn x

Hi All - just to update x

My hand is really bad today again - no improvement at all - I went to work and found it really distressing that I can’t write in front of people - and it was very embarrassing when I couldn’t even jot down a name or telephone number when I answered someone else’s phone! I had to call my colleague to do it!

It’s like my hand doesn’t belong to me - my pathetic attempts are like a 4 year olds handwriting!!

I rang the GP surgery and booked a telephone consultation but a GP I have never seen rang me back and basiaclly said he doesn’t know what to do to help me and that I’ll have to put up with it until my appointment comes through with the MS specialist - goodness nows when that will be!

Sorry! This paricular symptom is really worrying and upsetting me - I have coped with the all the leg problems etc & taken it mainly in my stride (pardon the pun!) but this is the first time my hands have gone on me - I’m a practicing artist and when I tried earlier to draw it’s just impossible!!

I don’t understand - I can use the keyboard - my hand isn’t numb as such - it’s just not listening to me when I try to do fine movements - can’t pick anything small up off the floor etc etc !!

Eww!! xxxjenxxx

I’m sorry Jen - this does sound very distressing for you. I have PPMS and one of my symptoms is a very weak left hand and a slightly weaker right hand. My writing can be quite bad and I have terrible trouble when ironing. Like you say fine motor skills are a problem! I hope for your sake that this situation does improve and you start to feel better. Take care, Teresa xx

Much the same answer as Reemz (just substitute Motorola XOOM for iPad).

I am finding a loss of fine motor control for my left arm and hand (not too much of a problem in general being right-handed) and I have started to drop things if I am not very careful. The left leg and foot went bad a few months back, so I am hoping that I have not switched from RRMS to SPMS.

So, Jen, my money is on MS, and not Baclofen.


Thanks both x I guess it’s just so horrible when these things first happen - it’s a shock!

I just can’t believe/accept it’s happening to me x I keep demonstrating to hubby - just to confirm!!

Gotta hope it’s a temporary thing and it’ll improve xxjenxxxxx