I got a new stick deodorant today.
The instructions said: Remove cap and push up bottom.
I can barely walk, but whenever I f@rt the room smells lovely.
lmao wb,
Kate x
Lol Wb. Perhaps I should try that with my dog!!
Lol Wb. Perhaps I should try that with my dog!!
[/quote] l think l might try that with my two Rotties. They have watched me pick the swiss chard from my raised veggie beds - some l feed to the hens - now the dogs think they are missing out and help themselves to the leaves - plus they have also pinched some eggs. Silent but deadly - is the description l would give them. A vegetarian diet does not suit them. They have duck and rice dog food - so are not being deprived. lts so embarrassing when anyone visits. Cabbage and Eggs - a lethal combination. We have to leave the doors open so they can get into the garden at night - just in case!! Thankfully, they do not bark at anything.
As long as any visitors know it’s the dogs.
Hehehehe F and Wb. So funny! It’s so strong isn’t it? Like you say though F there is never any noise so you don’t get any warning. Do you think Polos would help??? Or maybe extra strong mints.
Shazzie xx
Which end to you shove the mints? And would it be the whole tube!
Wb - lts time you got a dog - then you could pass the blame.
Best to use the whole tube just to be on the safe side. If you lose any then we could always put them up our noses!!
Horses are the worst for farting [see vegetarians again] - A joke l was told - about Her Majesty the Queen - in her open top carriage - French President sitting with her - picture the scene. Going down The Mall - the Windsor Greys were full of wind and farted all the way. Her Majesty apologised - ‘‘l am so sorry about this’’ and the President replied ‘’ lts OK Ma’m - l thought it was the horses’'.
Youtube have a whole section on ‘farting horses’. Haven’t looked to see if they have dogs as well - l expect they have. This is what my old dad would call ‘Harpic Humour’'. [for anyone under 50 - harpic was a toilet cleanser].
One of my dogs stole and ate a tray of eggs - 30 - shells and all. You can imagine the disastrous effects.
Thanks wb that gve me a well needed chuckle!! Janet x
Oh many thanks I needed a big belly laugh and I’m rofl
I’m thinking Extra Strong as opposed to Polos…They’d whistle
oh this thread kept on going right to the end.
wb - whistling polos up the bum!
Oh Wb. I am a bit worried about " the burm" though. Extra Strong mints are very strong. Hehehehe!! Also they are very big. Don’t want poor Charlie to spontaneously combust!!
Shazzie xx