As I was expecting I got a letter from the DVLA today advising me that miy licence is now limited to 3 years when my condition will be reviewed. They have not yet returned my licence but think I am ok to drive without actually having a copy or the photocard itself.
Lol, you carry on driving till u get you’re new licence and when they send your mugshot back with 3 years you do what you always do and go out and drive! any probs pm me!
I forgot to say on my last post that when it comes to renewing your insurance it now asks what sort of licence you have and why but don’t worry, the premiums don’t increase because you have ms, they aren’t allowed to do that. My premium was exactly the same as the year before.
Hello, I am just awaiting the return of my second 3-year licence. It was May/June sort of time when I filled in the forms and I still have not got it. I did however get a letter saying it was being renewed and the letter asked me to send back a new photo of myself as the last photo was way out of date. It is now 3 weeks or so since I did that and still I wait. But I scanned/photocopied all relevant letters, forms, old licence etc and believe all is ok for me to continue driving. Their issue that they are so slow in dealing with this. I drive an automatic car with hand controls now. Am very used to it now and enjoy driving once again.
Does that mean that you have to pay the full fee every 3 years instead of 10 ?
I didn’t have to pay for mine for renewing it for 3years mind you it hadn’t run out either. I was a bit crafty and tried to do a change of address at the same time, that didn’t work, i had to send it back again!
Thanks for all your posts peeps, next yeatr I am thinking of using my DLA to get a brand new automatic car on the motability scheme. I have seen a car that I really like and althouigh it has quite a large deposit required the deposit is still less than my premium and I wont have to pay insurance,MOT and service fees etc.
I am now really looking forward to getting my new car next year.
Believe it or not, it is actually free. Because it is for medical reasons, they don’t charge. I found the whole process to be fairly painless. They letter they sent said I could continue to drive until I got my new one.