I finally got my licence back from my 3 year renewal. They’ve only had it since February. Good job I’m patient, cant say anything for my stress levels over the last few months now. So it
ll be due for renewal again in 2016 so what with that and the pip roll out I forsee i`ll be a complete basket case about that time. Well I say one thing for ms life’s never dul.
From what I understand you can/could have continue(d) to use your license until notified (if it’s driving license you are talking about) whilst it is being appraised for future use.
Yes, agree you can drive until they reply - same with when you renew, once you have sent them the papers you can continue driving while they wait for doctors to reply, etc. You can email the forms over I think if you want to be sure they get there too.
They have had mine since september last year…I have had an eye test and a drving assessment too…still waiting!
5 months isn’t bad for them - the longest they’ve had mine for is about 9 months…
Hi I’m just about to have my DX confirmed , reading this concerns me that they could revoke my license, is this a possibility ? Sorry if this is a silly question new to all this
I phoned DVLA to let them know my DX and they said I had 2 options, either surrender my license or they could investigate (write to doctor).
I initially panicked and said I’d surrender it and they’ve sent me an envelope to return it in - but I have an appointment with my GP on Saturday, so I’m going to see what he says… I get pretty dizzy on stairs that go round corners so shut my eyes when my husband turns corners in the care. I don’t know if I’d be OK behind the wheel?? It feels like a real wrench the idea of giving it back though! Apparently you can re-apply for it should your condition change for the better.
Sonia x
I think the “norm” is to carry on driving while the DVLA investigate, then unless there’s anything which impairs your driving (eg. eyesight problems which can’t be corrected with lenses), they’ll issue a 3 year renewable licence then check again at that time. Personally I would always go with my instincts anyway - when I had my “big” relapse I stopped driving as my eyesight was slow and even with stronger lenses, blurry. I wouldn’t risk driving my children in that condition. I would hate to lose my licence…it would be almost impossible for me to live my life as I chauffeur the kids around all day (even school is a 2 mile round trip which isn’t great with fatigue and bad legs!)
Thanks Have heard they only give you car license , will I lose my motorcycle entitlement
Not sure about that Gray, I would call them and ask
Hi Gray,
I received my first 3-year licence last November, and it retained my full motorcycle entitlement from my surrendered driving licence (…although I no longer have good enough balance to ride a bike safely).
Hope that helps a bit?!!
Thanks Dom That’s a relief ( touchwood I’m still good to ride ) Just something I love and don’t want to lose Thanks once again , one less thing to worry about
Hi Just to clarify, you an only continue to drive whilst waiting to hear from the DVLA if your consultant says!!i didn’t drive for two months o be told this by the DVLA when I chased up for the thirteenth time!!!
hi gray, i got a three year licence but lost my hgv and bike entitlement, i loved my bike but i didnt feel safe on it due to balance so ive now purchased a trike which you can ride on a car licence!!! Tony…
Tony Did they automatically take the bike entitlement off you , or did you surrender it due to balance issues Gray
Took 9 months to renew mine. Caused all sorts of probs when my new Motability car arrived. My old licence had expired and initially the insurance company wouldn’t accept the cover note from the DVLA. So, for a while, I didn’t have a valid driving licence but had a new car that only my husband was insured to drive.
Hi gray, it came back from dvla minus the hgv and motorcycle entitlement much to my surprise, but dont fear it could have been either my gp or nuero that made the decission. gd luck. Tony.
Thanks Tony Will be gutted if I lose my bike license ( I only ride when I feel safe ) Don’t want to lose it to this bloody Ms Struggling as it dawns on me how my life might change , and not for the better