Worsening numbness


Looking for some advice. I have no diagnosis but since mid may have been bothered with dizziness and weakness.

Since early July I started to experience tingling and numbness in my nose and then my right leg. This is now affecting the entire right side of my body and my face and scalp. Been 4 weeks of numbness now.

I’ve got a private appointment with a neurologist on the 31st August. My NHS GP has been quite dismissive of my symptoms but I’m thinking I shouldn’t just ignore this worsening numbness? I’d welcome any advice. Should I pester my GP or is it ok to wait another 3 weeks until I see the neurologist with this symptom?

Thanks for any info.


I would pester the GP but keep the appointment with the private neuro. This is not normal, and someone needs to listen to you.

Thanks Norasmum.

I’ve written to my NHS GP as I can’t talk to him until next week and I need my medical records for my neuro and private GP. Hopefully my NHS GP will ring. If things get worse I’ll be heading to A&E.

Just an update. And a bit of panic.

I’ve spoken to a different GP at my local practice and he has said he will write to the neurologist and see what he thinks. So hopefully I’ll hear back soon.

I’m now noticing I’m struggling with mixing up words and still feeling numbness and weakness. I’ve also noticed my memory is shocking. Lots of other things like twitching around my eye and muscles feeling tight going on now too.

Worried that my symptoms are steadily getting worse over the last three month period. Some things seem to lessen and come back but overall I feel I’m getting worse.

Feeling scared not knowing what’s going on. Especially as my husband is now going to be away from home a couple of days a week so I’ll be on my own with the house and two kids who need me.

Just needed to have a bit of a download.
I know I’m lucky to be getting some help from a sympathetic GP at last.


If this is Relapsing Remitting MS, it could quite possibly be a relapse. They’re a real $&*( to get through, but eventually things should improve. Do your best to follow what your body is telling you, although that’s easier said than done with kids around.

Thanks for your reply Norasmom. Guess I’ll have to stick it out a couple more weeks till I see the neuro. Hope he requests an MRI in a hurry. I’m going a bit off the rails here not knowing why I feel so weird. Although I do realise I may not get answers for years, like some of the folk on this forum have experienced. Hope you are doing ok.

Hi Winnie,
DottyG here. Numbness needs to be checked out for cause, and treatment, and your GP can exclude some diagnoses that cause these symptoms with blood tests prior to your private app with Neurologist.
It could potentially take months to see a Neurologist on the NHS, so personally I would keep your private appointment.

I do hope this helps Winnie, sorry you are having these medical problems, let us know how you get on.
Kind Regards

Thanks for your reply DottyG. I see a private neurologist on the 31st August so not too long I guess, when it’s already been 5 weeks.

I will struggle to afford to continue down the private route beyond this consultation tho so hoping if I do need an MRI that he will transfer me back into NHS and I won’t have too long to wait. (Tho it probably will still be months rather than weeks)

I decided to have another try with my local practice (previous GP’s there said I had labyrinthitis). This last time I spoke to a more sympathetic GP so it’s just another route to hopefully get some answers. I’ve had low B12 in the past and got injections but blood test showed this was still above the threshold at which they would give me more injections so they won’t do it. He has agreed to check my vitamin D which is being done on Thursday. He has also written to a neurologist to get his opinion about my symptoms.

So hard not to panic. Been three months of steadily getting worse, particularly over the last few weeks, so waiting any longer is hard.

Glad to have input form people on here tho, so thank you. X

Hi Winnie

So sorry to hear you have been experiencing these symptoms. I can empathise with your situation. I too am having very similar symptoms on and off from December. But more constant from mid July.

Getting worse as time goes on. It is scary as no answers and keep feeling people think its in my head at times. I too have opted for a private initial consultation with a neurologist because my GP said the waiting lists would be terrible for NHS and she advised I get seen sooner.

My appointment is 14th September. Just want to get seen ASAP.

I hope you’re ok and glad you’re getting seen to soon. Its always nice to know you’re not alone in this too. It doesn’t give answers but having someone to talk to that understands what you’re going through is comforting.

Praying you get answers

Good luck to you x

Hi Gem62,

Thank you for the reply. Sorry you’ve had bother for such a long time. It’s so hard wondering isn’t it. I really sympathise and understand how hard it is and this being compounded by others not really taking it seriously. One GP actually said to me “the mind is a very powerful thing” I guess she thinks I’m imagining all this.

Hope you are ok. Its hard to focus on anything but worry and the need for answers isn’t it.

Sending support and positive thoughts.

Feel free to email me if you want to chat/rant.


Hey Winnie just realised I replied to this post on my other post lol the joys of being confused lol hope you got my reply OK x

Hi Gem, I’ve just tried to send you a message. Hopefully it has reached you. Not really got my head round this forum yet. x