my beautiful little grandaughter Evie Mae was born at 6.26pm tonight,weighing 7lb 10oz,after a 36 hour labour,for my daughter,i am too ill to go to the hospital so i have to wait for my 1st cuddle,until they come home,cant wait,i feel as though i have been through childbirth myself,i worried the whole 36 hours,so pleased its over with,i might sleep tonight.
I’m sooooooooo pleased and happy for you - it must be lovely to become a gran - I’m still waiting. Hope your daughter and Evie Mae are both doing well.
My grandaughter, Faye, was born by emergency C section just a few weeks ago so I know exactly how you feel.
I haven’t seen her for days now due to the snow and I’m itching to get a cuddle. She has just started to smile and I haven’t seen it yet!!
BTW I’m Grandma Jane (There are great grandparents and step grandparents in the picture so I don’t want any confusion – also I don’t want to get tagged the grandma in the wheelchair!!)
thanks jane,they are due home later on today,and they are living here,at the moment,they have just bought an house and are doing it up,before they move in,so i will get to see plenty of my little precious bundle,i am one lucky gran…both my parents have died but she has even got a great.great gran on her dads side,i think thats amazzing,just wish my parents were here she would have been their first great grandchild…they would have adored her…cant stop smiling !!