Water on my foot!!!

Hi I have a new fairly annoying but not painful or disabling symptom. It keeps feeling like someone is pouring warm water on my foot. I actually checked a few times to be sure I hasn’t stepped in something or pee’d myself as that’s the kind of warm feeling I keep getting. Its new but not terribly bad or anything just irritating. Anyone else get what I’m describing? All week iv had terrible pins and needles in soles of my feet when walking. Literally like walking on hundreds of tiny needles-initially blamed some new socks for the weird sensation but have now worked out that there are no sharp bits inside the socks!! I’m RRMS- on rebif-wondering if this is the start of a relapse or is this as bad as it will get this time! Thanks xxx

Hi I am rrms as well. The ‘whoops… I’ve peed myself as I can feel a wet leg / foot’ is a symptom that I get every now and then. It’s a relief when I look down and realise that’s it’s my ms playing tricks. It has never led to a relapse and just happens at random times. I get the dodgy socks feeling too. For me this happens at times when I’m stressed or really busy. I know it’s fairly common in msers but don’t know if it’s linked to stress / tiredness. I do know it’s not linked to socks! For me it’s one of those silly things that me throws at you. I also got waking me and my arm just flopping around for a while things as well. All the best Neil

Thanks Neil, I’m feeling totally wiped out today. Just feel awful!! Was in bed most of the afternoon. My leg seems to be starting to go kinda numb also. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Xx

I have occasionally had that feeling of water trickling down my skin, but on my arms rather than my legs. I also get pins and needles in my feet from time to time and one of my permanent symptoms is a tingle that isn’t quite full-blown pins and needles: strongly in my right hand and foot and mildly in my left hand and foot. It’s there all the time but I notice it more when I’m tired.