
Hi folks.

Some of you may remember me from my earlier thread: Awaiting first neurologist appointment - New diagnosis and before diagnosis - MS Society UK | Forum

Now I had my mri, vep and lumbar puncture all done on the 9th June, yet have had nothing back. The neurologist secretary has confirmed they have the results but no follow up appointment has been booked yet.

How long does it usually take to get them back to me?

For info, I already know my lumbar puncture opening pressure was 28.5 as my consultant on the day told me, which worries me!!

Many thanks


Well I woud`ve thought a follow up appointment is in the post!

Try ringing again.

You need an explanation.


Yeah me too, I have been ringing every week for the past three weeks and each time they just say none has been booked. So I take it this isn’t normal?