Waiting on LP to confirm diagnosis

I woke up 12 weeks ago with no sight in my right eye, was told it was optic neuritis and kept in hospital for 5 days to get IV steroids, have MRI and CT scans, MRI showed multiple lesions but no tumours thank god! Since then I have been told the damage to my optic nerve is too great and I will never get my sight back. Since then I have been experiencing a lot of symptoms including numbness and tingling in my fingers and toes, tremors in my legs, tinnitus in my ear etc. After waiting weeks to see the neurologist she has red-flagged a lumbar puncture and I am due to get it on Thursday. I think Im in denial and still don’t believe I have MS even though the odds are against me. Has anyone had a similar experience? I have NO disability in my legs, can walk with no problems and think Im losing my mind!

Hi Lazza. My MS story started with optic neuritis in my right eye. An MRI showed ‘quite a few ‘ lesions. Over the space of a week or so I lost pretty much all vision ( couldn’t see a burning fire from 4ft or so). Fortunately over the next weeks, perhaps a couple of months, i regained most of my right eye vision without steroids).

I had weird symptoms for several months ( vibrations in my leg, little twitches , tingling in my right arm and parts of my back and stuff) which I’m pleased to say disappeared after I started on the disease modifying treatment Avonex. For years (5 -7?) I didn’t have any more symptoms until one day I found I was having trouble moving my right leg. Now, around 18 years after first symptoms I can still walk but struggle after 10 mins ( it’s my right leg that struggles). Generally OK and enjoying life. MS and worry about the future is always in the back of my mind but e.g we are not long back from a few days on a Scottish island watching the Red Deer rut and enjoying good food.

Feel free to ask any questions.

All the best.

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Hi @Hank_Dogs,

Thanks for this, it sounds very similar symptoms to what I’ve been experiencing and it gives me more hope that even if it is MS the medication should help! It’s great to hear you’re still enjoying life to the full and your break in Scotland sounds fantastic!

Take care,

Hi @Lazza1977
I had the complete vision loss in right eye too albeit temporary, due to optic neuritis 24 years ago, sight did return to near enough what it was before although it did take quite a while to fully recover.

It seems very common multiple sclerosis usually starts on one eye. :eye: The lumbar puntucture is an accurate indicator of MS, we MSers have a higher content of T-cells in our spinal fluid.

I was diagnosed Relapse-Remitting MS and went into denial aswell, I kinda parked the disease as it kept quiescent/benign for about 8 or 9 years without medication, before another heavy relapse/flare-up.
Stay strong, you’re not alone.

Hi @muchthesamemuchness (JP),

Thanks for this. Had my LP yesterday and it was quite traumatic…the girl who started it seemed to be learning and couldn’t draw the fluid so another doctor stepped in and managed to get what he needed. It was very painful :unamused:. I have a hospital app and can see some of the results coming through which so far are normal but I know theres particular ones they need to wait on!
Trying to stay positive but its such a mental rollercoaster!

Take care,

Hi again,
Tbh I only had a grainy MRI and neurological examination when my old neurologist diagnosed me, at the turn of the century, so he just ran with that. I didn’t have the LP until after I had my 2nd heavy MS relapse, some 8 years after initial dx, that’s when I started on DMTs though I’m not on any meds nowadays.

Yep the MS journey for me is like a roller coaster ride, lots of ups and downs that just never seems to end. :roller_coaster:
Best regards,