If your doctor doesn’t accept the private test Vit D test result, it and your MS are reason enough for them to test you themselves. However, I suspect they’ll just put you straight on the loading dose of Fultium for 10 weeks as it will cost them to test you. After that, they’ll prescribe at a lower dose and if you want to keep taking more you have to buy it yourself.
Don’t know if they prescribe for the B12; you’ve reminded me that I was tested and never got the results. I take a supplement anyway.
If I were you, I would request a referral to a neuro in your area and your local MS Nurse when you go to the GP about this, you never know when you’ll need support and waiting to be referred can take ages. If you are already in the system then it will be quicker.
Why not see your GP and ask him for a blood test as you’re feeling tired and listless. Then your GP will think that he/she has discovered the vitamin deficiency.
Personally I think it is a bit short sighted not to be registered with a neurologist who specialises in MS. It does not cost you anything and there are potential benefits but it is a post code lottery.
If you have RRMS then maybe you can take a DMT that will probably reduce the rate of progression. If you have PPMS or SPMS then it is a bit of a bummer. I have had MS since 1972 and SPMS since 2000 and it only really had a serious impact for the last 6 years. Its a bummer for me
If your doctor or surgery think you are a hypochondriac then change or tell them to grow up.