Very quick MRI date

I had my first neuro appointment on Monday and today I had a call giving me an MRI appointment on this coming Wednesday! I’m shocked as I thought of have to wait at least a month, but the neuro wants it ASAP, not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing though! Good to get it done though! The lady on the phone said He said he wants it of my brain and neck, does that mean my spine or literally just my neck, don’t mean to sound stupid but he did say it would be spine in the appointment?! Imo

The waiting times for MRI vary massively around the country. My local unit is usually only a couple of weeks, but I’ve heard of others having to wait months :frowning:

Most neuros only order brain and neck (and yes, it is the neck, aka the “cervical spine”), but it can be useful to get further down scanned too sometimes. Maybe give the neuro’s secretary a call and check if the neuro meant the cervical spine or cervical and thoracic spine? If he wants the thoracic too then the secretary is going to have to let the MRI unit know.

Hope it goes well :slight_smile:

Karen x

Oh doh! Thank you for clearing that one up!! My neuro told me it would be 4-6 weeks, so I hope I haven’t cut in line and somebody else has to wait ages!! And as for the oral steroids, nasty taste is very much present!! Thanks for reply! Imo x

Try not to worry too much about the quick turn around - my MRI was just over a week after my neuro appointment too, and I was given 2 days notice for mine. It came back clear and now I’m just playing the waiting game again. And either way, at least you get some information a bit quicker - that’s always a good thing.

Yes,try not to worry, Imo. My MRI was done the day after I saw the neuro, results were in that afternoon and she got her secretary to ring me with the news that I had MS. So all very quick. But they’ve obviously got a gap for you and want to be able to give you results, one way or another. Good luck xx

Thank you for your reassurance! I have to say I’m impressed at how quick it’s been considering others have had to wait ages! Imo x