Hi, I have rrms. I spoke to the doctor on monday and she said it sounds like I have a urine Infection. So prescribed 3 days of antibiotics. I have finished them on Wednesday. I am starting to feel not well again. Pains in stomach and back and going to the toilet alot. Does anyone have any advise ??? Does this happen to anyone ??? Thanks for any help
I had 6 of these in 1 year, I started taking cranberry supplement once a day, I started this last October and haven’t had 1 since
Hello, If you look at my post from earlier ‘relapse or flare - spot the difference’ there is some good advice from sue on UTIs. Think I have the same issue so it may be a case of being prescribed the wrong antibiotic Good luck
Hello (TY 1in3)
What often happens when you have a UTI is that you give a sample to your GP practice and they send it off to the lab upon testing and seeing there is an infection. What they can’t tell from their dip test is the variety of bacteria, thus the most appropriate antibiotic. So they give you a three day course of antiBs, often something like Trimethoprim, a drug that works on simple ecoli infections, but that’s not always the right drug. So you take them an still feel crappy. Or worse.
The lab has to ‘grow’ a culture - once they do this, they can usually tell what your specific bacteria is, and what drug is needed to counter it. But it takes a few days to find that out.
Unfortunately, it’s a Friday evening and you won’t get any answers until Monday. So all that can be done is take paracetamol, drink water and clear fluid, rest and wait until Monday. Then you can find out whether there’s a specific antibiotic (hopefully) to help and get a prescription.
If you are in more pain then I would consider a couple of things maybe
- was it right antibiotic for infection as Sue says
-is it side effects of the antibiotic - certainly I feel ILL with erythromycin
-has UTI infection now maybe involving kidneys - kidney infection which causes some back pain i think and obviously will make you feel garbage
You need to ring 111 and ask for some help. With any luck you might through to speak to someone before your GP surgery opens on Monday morning.
3 days is pretty short for a course of antibiotics, so it may simply be that you weren’t on them long enough. Speak to your doctor’s out-of-hours service and see if you can get a longer course. In the meantime, drink a ton of water. This will help flush out your bladder. And avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks, as they’ll irritate your bladder.
The cranberry supplements will help in the future, but for now, drink as much real cranberry juice (or a cranberry juice mixture) as you can hold. Even if someone has to make a special trip to the store for you, it’s worth it.
3 days of antibiotics doesn’t usually help me because the symptoms come straight back. My Gp always gives me 7 days and that does the trick. Maybe you need more.
Bumping this thread up for Anna.
Greenhouse said cranberry worked.
I lived with recurring UTI’s for a good couple of years, often ending up in hospital. My Dr decided to put me on full time low dose antibiotics, Trimethoprim and Amoxicillin, alternating every three months and since then I have had no further infections. Might be worth discussing with your quack.
I would go with Sue’s advice. Go back to your GP who should give you another course of antibiotics.
I’ ve got a UTI at the moment and the first prescription didn’t work, I gave another specimen last week and heard this morning that I can start a new prescription later today.