Thanks for all your replies to my post on wednesday. Just want to update you, my friend said she will pay for my pre- payment certificate for my prescriptions. She bought me some food and said she will pay half my electricity bills for the next few months. I’m so lucky to have such good friends. Wish i could support myself though. Things are stilll gonna be a struggle money wise and am still gonna have to make as many cutbacks as possible. Hoping that my money doesn’t go down anymore, love Bex xxx
Hi Bex, I was following your other post & still can’t believe you can be treated so badly by benefits… and the under 25 rule for HB is just madness!!!
I didn’t answer the post as you had good replies & I had nothing to add… apart from anger at a government who can treat you like this! But I don’t think you need my anger!
I’m glad that your friend is helping out… and you have good friends because you are a good person.
Hi Bex, I’m so glad that you’re lucky enough to have a thoughtful and pro-active friend. As Pat said you must be a good person to have someone who loves you and is prepared to step up and help a friend in need. It is wrong though in this day and age you should have to struggle to keep a roof over your head and have food in the fridge. There are so many people who have far too much (celebrities, footballers) and more and more people through no fault of their own have very little.