Sent e-mail to atos to complain about pip assessment report which was full of lies and vital information of how my conditions affect me was left out.
E-mail sent to atos on 6th June, they had typed the letter to me on the 7th which i received today. Basically they can not help and told me to contact DWP.
Im still waiting for an award letter and depending on this maybe i will need a reconsideration.
Hello Christine, they are so unfair…why do they put people through this ? It’s their mistake. Have you got more evidence or supporting letters that you can send to the DWP supporting your needs? I think that’s all you can do and if you aren’t happy with the decision on your PIPS appeal it. I feel so frustrated for you, what a waste of time.
I had evidence of weakness and not been able to extend arms, plus bilateral weakness in upper and lower limbs. fully from previous neuro, that was before ppms dx. Also evidence from muscularskeltol reporting significant cervical spondylosis and weakness which prevents me doing certain things which i need help with.
If i have to go down the route of a re-consideration i think i will have to give alot more detail and examples.
I would advise anyone going for pip to have everything at your fingertips at the assessemnt and keep to what you have explained on your claim form. If you are asked to do any tests, think about them first and how they will affect you afterwards.
It seems to me if you say some activity causes prolonged pain or fatigue, that is not enough, you need to be saying exhaustion, severe pain and so on time and time again.
Sorry Christine, didn’t mean for my last post to be anon.
I was rejected at the mandatory reconsideration, but it’s apparently rare for a decision to be turned around at this stage. The reconsideration is just done by another DWP android with no medical qualifications who just looks at the papers submitted again and who is probably not going to want to stick their head above the parapet to say anything which does not follow along with the previous decision. They seem to only care about keeping their job and just follow orders.
I’m collecting more medical evidence for the tribunal now.
Iv not got that far yet. Was this your first pip claim or were you on dla? I rang welfare rights the other day and he made some comment about moving from dla to pip.
I’ve never been on DLA; this was my second PIP claim. The first one was no problem, but this second one - initiated by me because my walking worsened - has been a shambles.
Iv not got to the reconsideration stage yet, but i dont think i will have enough points for either care or mobility.
On your second claim did you lose all your previous points. I think alot of it is luck depending on who looks at your claim. I know people who have sailed through the process sometimes with very little evidence. I dont believe it to be a fair system but its the only onw we have.
They kept me on standard rate mobility - although I have medical evidence to be on the higher rate - and they took away all my daily living points (without just cause). The lies are the worst thing - although CAB say this will only help my appeal at the tribunal.
Yes, it does seem quite a pot luck, arbitrary system. Actually, I’ll just call a spade a spade: It’s crap!
Its a very fragile process when assessors opinions vary so much. I hope you get what your entitled to but its so sad that some have to fight so hard to get it.
It was during the time I was waiting for the tribunal date that the DWP looked at my claim again - fingers crossed for you When I had the call, I seriously thought I must have been confused so I waited until the letter came!