Trigeminal neuralgia treatment

About 8 weeks ago I started with a sharp pain in my right cheek. It came on suddenly in the night, so bad it woke me. The pain runs from just below my nostril, a couple of centimetres towards my ear, the pain then runs up my cheek and then across to roughly the middle of my ear. Both the dentist and the doctors have said they think it is trigeminal neuralgia and as such I have been prescribed carbamazepine. Despite the pain increase if I am scared to take the tablets. Years ago I reacted to an antibiotic and had anaphylaxis. My skin looked horrendous. Although rare a similar reaction is noted in the leaflet. I appreciate that it is my decision as to whether I take the tablets but would be interested to hear if anyone has had the same pattern of pain and also what treatments have worked.

It appears that other treatments are available.

It was the worst pain I have ever had - by Gavin Giovannoni (

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Hi @whammel, thanks for sending the article through. I will have a good read through.

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Hi Rogue
I experienced trigeminal neuralgia in 2020. I was prescribed amitriptyline and naproxen. I was told although Amitriptyline is an anti depressant, low dosages be used to manage pain. I stopped taking naprroxen once the pain stopped. I did not want to continue taking amitriptyline and I was told that I could not just stop taking amitriptyline, I had to stop taking at a reduction rate I.e. Initially I took one tablet a day, then took one on alternative days, then one every three days, then one a a week and then none a week. Luckily I did not have any side effects from taking the medication and they worked.

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Morning Shah, thank you for sharing how you managed the pain. I am battling on with the pain, still nervous about taking the carbamazepine. I am going to ring the doctor on Monday and see if they would consider something else, I will see what is suggested and then I could ask their thoughts on Naproxen and Amitriptyline :blush:

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Hey Rogue
I know how painful trigeminal neuralgia is and Iā€™m sorry to read that you are still in pain.
Good luck with the doctors. I really hope they can help you with managing the pain.

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