Has anyone had experience of Sage Travel?
I want to go to Florence and they seem to offer a good service.
I would welcome recommendations of other travel agents people have personal experience of for foreign travel.
I am not the cruising type.
Morning. I’ve never used Sage Travel but I have used Limitless Travel (08007117152). They do holidays in the UK and abroad. You can hire a wheelchair or powerchair, or other equipment you might need. You can organise a care package on holiday if you need that or just take your own mobility aids, or just go and get a bit more assistance if that’s what you want. You will have to meet them at the airport when you travel abroad and pay for your own flight on top of their Tour price. I’ve never travelled to a place in the UK with them but I have been abroad 3 times with them and they work well for me as a mainly wheelchair/powerchair user.
Thank you PaulT.
I’ll follow that up.
It would be great to hear more recommendations from other forum members.
Try Staysure.
They claim to be specialists in travel cover for the Aged, Disabled or those with a Pre-Existent Condition. If you go with them, message me and I (or anyone else) could send a referral and both parties get a gratuity.
I’ve insured with them several times (for cruises, and I note your comment) and they’ve always been cheapest or within a few quid of it. Went on a cruise with my Dad last year and he broke his arm. We needed to pay bills to hospital and cruise medical centre and got paid back quickly though you must be meticulous with your receipts and other record keeping. They paid out in full, less excess - with no hint of an offer which you then argue over (not like motor claims…).
Thanks GCCK.
Good to know.
I tend to use Which! recommendations.
I’ve heard that Limitless Travel is a good option. But, one thing to keep in mind is that you have to book your flight separately from their tour. I’ve heard from people who use wheelchairs that they had a good experience traveling with them. Also, if you’re thinking about traveling further, like to Asia, Business Class Flights to Asia might be worth looking into. It can make those longer flights way more comfortable.