hi all feeling very sorry for myself the past few days think its just cus it’s getting near the holidays n I’m very tired all the time esp since returning to work 2wks ago sorry but I just needed to moan lol Kel finding myself bursting onto tears for no apprant reason I don’t feel depressed as such ( been back on anti D’s since feb n they work 5/7 days) think it’s all stemming from utter exhaustion n fraustration I just don’t seem to have ‘fun’ anymore cheers folkes for just being u Lou
HI Lou
I do sympathise. Been off work this week because of a viral infection with chesty cough that keeps me up half the night! I used to shrug off this sort of thing, but it’s really knocked the stuffing out of me. I’ve missed things I wanted to go to too - so I know what you mean about no ‘fun’ time. Try and make sure you have a rest over the hols - designate jobs for other family members to do (and don’t worry if they don’t do stuff the same as you would!).
Could you have longer breaks while you are at work - or finish a bit earlier? May help to get you though until Christmas and then you could review the situation in the new year. Don’t know what your job is, or if you got a dx, but if you have your company should be accommodating with any such requests. Just a thought.
Hello Lou,
Sorry to hear your feeling rather down at the moment, no need to apologise for having a moan, after all it’s only a little one and we all have them from time to time. It sounds as though you need a darn good rest with no stress and as Hazel has said let other family members help out and don’t try and do it all yourself… Is it possible for you to work less hours or less days, it may help you. Sending (((((HUGS)))))
hi hazel, hi Janet Thanx for ur kind words hazel I’m not yet dx (seeing neuro on 31st) I work as a catering manager in a first/middle school catering for approx 200+ per day across 2 sites so a busy job esp as there’s only myself n my assistant plus 2 others on the other site who serve only but we’re advertising atm for another cook to come and join my team god knows the help is most def needed lol work,my boss in particular have been great I’m already on a phased rtn with reduced hrs so not much else she can really offer me atm as she’s also supporting me by being there everyday and is managing without 1 of the mobile caterers cus she’s leaving her at my school to help out (only wish she would stay permenantly lol but it would mean losing her travel cost n she couldn’t afford that
) Janet, my hubby has been fantastic the son on the other hand is a typical teenager when it comes to pulling his finger out with housework etc but he’s great at carrying the shopping lol I don’t have any family near by they all live up near Manchester ( I left home n headed south for work n met my hubs had the bit n here I am lol) I do speak with my mum n my sis daily but I’m missing them so much atm which isn’t helping I’m sure they all just think I’m either putting things on worse than they are ur that I’m a hypochondriac "/ we’re away up there for a week for Xmas staying with my sister n niece which I’m looking forward to even tho it’s a stressful time but I need a change of scenery desperately And FUN will be had lol Lou
Fatigue is the pits There are no easy answers, but do try and take lots of breaks BEFORE you get tired, sit to do things whenever you can (perching stools are great for kitchens), delegate as much as possible, get extra equipment to cut down on manual tasks (new superdooper food processor?), change your hours to avoid rush hour and cut down long journeys (could you start later and finish later, doing some prep for the next day?), etc. Please be careful - fatigue must be pretty dangerous in a kitchen
Karen x
hi Karen thank you I’m lucky in the fact that I don’t have to travel for work other than drag my self 3mins down the road lol I have a phone consultation with an OH nurse at the beginning of Jan so I will be memtioning the poss of things like a perching stool etc until then I shall muddle thro lol as u do this morning I woke with loads of hives down my left side thankfully I have some antihisamines which helped I’m not sure if that is relayed to the possibility I could have MS but the neuro app is getting ever closer so we’re keeping everything crossed take care Lou