I find it amazing that i can look forward to a neurologist appointment so much ,but also dread it !
Im looking forward to it tmw because i feel so bad at the moment and im hoping he can help .Im dreading it because i know theres nothing he can actually do tmw and theres still a long road ahead .
Ive had one neuro app ,ms suspected based on symptoms, (but strangely not the side i have most of my problems )reflexes out on one side , history (eyesight went in one eye when i was 16 ,double vision alot as well,problems with urinary frequency etc for the last 9 years ,last year an unexplained limp for around 4 months?? .MRI has been done since last app ,no lesions found .Prolapsed disc in neck found (seen neurosurgeon not related to my symptoms)
I have got so much worse since i last saw the neurologist about 5 weeks ago .I had not been having leg and hand spasms,legs giving way and falling or numb face (throat,nose,up to ear ) severe fatigue now,cant remember anything and in the evening all over body burning .Im also very shaky now (my husband and me were having a giggle yesterday at me .Iwas having a hot choc with whipped cream on top and was getting it everywhere lol
The numbness is generally on my right side of my body ,even right side of my throat .Is that a normal occurance with ms orpossibly something else ?
Im wondering and hoping he will give me something to help me (not sure what though ) Im thinking he will send me for more tests .I know alot of people are in the same boat on here ,But the waiting for everything is getting me so depressed ,not just the waiting but having nothing to help with the symptoms .
Im not looking forward to my girls 6 week holiday ,not sure how im going to manage to be honest (god im having a right moan up today arent i )
Im still hoping its something else ,tbh i was hoping it was the disc in my neck causing everything so i could just get it fixed !
I think im just apprehensive about tmw and what im going to have done next .
Sam xx