Tingly face

Hello, my name is Assiya, I’ve had MS since I was 19 and diagnosed 2 yrs later. My current flare up is my cheeks feel tingly…, what does this mean and if any tips ur would be highly appreciated. Thank u

I had tingling on left side of face in my teens. I remember it made that side droop a bit, especially my smile.
The tingling disappeared over time and I got my even smile back.

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Yes that also happened to me 2 years ago however are these signs that a stroke is coming along? #StayStrongMyFriend :two_hearts:

No. The tingling on left side of my face was not a stroke. It was just a sensory feeling as I had optic neuritis on right side of brain, coming on soon after.
I’ve had a brain seizure (stroke) before but it was only indirectly linked to a MS treatment, I had previous.

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Omg thank u so much this Multiple Sclerosis disease is so scary and unpredictable. But once again stay strong :muscle: much love my friend :heart:

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I also have this tigling sensational and pain at the right side of my face is been 9 years tho , I just got diagnosed of ms through an MRI scan last week which shows I had multiple lesions in my brain, I don’t know what the future holds for me but I know I will be alright

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Hi, I am only newly diagnosed (two weeks now) but I now have tingling on the left side of my face which has progressed down my neck. My scalp and head are numb on the left side as well. It’s a very odd and uncomfortable feeling and unfortunately don’t have any advice am afraid but just know you are not alone.

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