Am just wondering if anyone can enlighten me. I experienced my second relapse of pins/needles/numbness two years ago. It started in my thigh and then spread all over my body but stopped at my chest. I still experience the symptoms although they are in the background. Recently, I’ve felt tingling at the tip of my nose and my lip.
I’m use to the feeling in my body but it feels so peculiar on my face. I’m curious to know if it’s possible to get the tingling sensation in the face??
I am undiagnosed, but i get it in the the same places, sometimes tingly sometimes numb, nose and im forever rubbing it lol, lips (they feel wierd when they are tingly ) and left hand side of my face( just numb) ,
I’ve been told that I don’t have MS…but I still have all the tingly…numbness strange feelings…and I have feeling of numbness in my nose and tingling on the top of my lip…and feelings like someone has ‘touched’ my head or thigh…am I going mad…the GP doesnt want to know…
Hey Wendy,often other disorders have the similar effects to MS.A friend who has a diffrent brain dissorder suffers from the vertigo,pain in her body etc.
It maybe worth a second opinion or see a diffrent doctor if your feeling unwell.
I don’t think I’m gonna let this one rest…this is the second GP I’ve been to…who’s made me feel like I’m making all these sensations up!..I’m not and why on earth would I?
The thing is I don’t want to be known as a ‘troublemaker’ or hypochondriac on the GP notes…
I don’t think I’m gonna let this one rest…this is the second GP I’ve been to…who’s made me feel like I’m making all these sensations up!..I’m not and why on earth would I?
The thing is I don’t want to be known as a ‘troublemaker’ or hypochondriac on the GP notes…
I don’t think I’m gonna let this one rest…this is the second GP I’ve been to…who’s made me feel like I’m making all these sensations up!..I’m not and why on earth would I?
The thing is I don’t want to be known as a ‘troublemaker’ or hypochondriac on the GP notes…
It does often feel like a wasp buzzing away on the tip of my nose although I’m not sure I’d ever be so calm if I looked down one day I noticed a wasp on me…more like complete drama.
Wendy - There are good doctors out there, you just have to find them as they hide away pretty well. You know your own body better than most so if you feel something isn’t right, it’s worth finding one of the good doctors.
thats just the feeling, just like a wasp on the end of my nose, Ive had clear mri, but was dx with cfs 3 yrs ago now fibro , I havent had any other test, not given an lp either
You are very welcome Wendy,it is your right to see another doctor in another surgery if that is what you wish.Your not making things up at all.Many of us have the same problems or sensations.Try not to allow the way they treat you to stress you or worry you.
Hi, my first symptoms were numbness and tingling on the left hanside of my face, head and half my nose it felt very strange. My gp sent me into hospital suspecting a stroke and 5 months later I was diagnosed with MS. I still have a lot of numbness and tingling in these areas. All the best Karen