tingle tingle burning leg

Hi everyone,

There are a few posts about stress and MS that I’ve seen, and having just moved house myself I’m convinced there’s a link… But enough about that… For the past 2 weeks i’ve had a tingle in my leg… For the first few days it wasn’t altogether unpleasant, just a bit strange and a bit itchy, but then it developed into a series of painful sensations. At first it felt like I’d been running on hot tarmac, and the bottom of my foot felt raw, painful to walk, painful when I moved, standing and with my foot up. This then turned into a sensation I can only liken to having chilblains… After this an intense heat sensation where it feels my leg, up to my knee, is permanently sitting in a bowl of boiling water.

My nurse has said that this is background MS, but I’m just scared this is going to happen lots… I think if I was told it was a relapse I could deal with it better as I know its going to go…

I’m just wondering if anyone with RRMS has had this before? Is this something I just have to get used to? Its scaring me as its the forst time I’ve really been affected in terms of what I can do… Even my optic neuritis didn’t leave me feeling so stuck.

Can anyone offer any advice? Is there anything I can do to ease the pain?


Help!! Haha…no seriously, I am RRMS diagnosed Dec 2008. Two years ago I was on Copaxone and had a dreadful relapse, I basically lost all the feeling in my right hand side. After being on steroids I thankfully regained everything back, but I was left with a burning sensation where I previously had no feeling - plus the nerve burning goes all the way to below my eye to my foot. My consultant put me on Gabapentin and eventually I was on 1800 mg a day and even then it began to stop working (plus I had put on over 2 stone)!! my MS nurse wanted me off it (I didnt realise how addicted it was) and told me to even use CBD oil to get off it (yucky taste) as she wants me to go on Pregabalin - researched that drug and it can be just as bad! Does anybody know of any other medication for nerve pain? Thanks for reading!!! Liz x

Hi Lizbeth,

You’ve answered a post from 2014 about tingling.

Start a new thread- top of the page and give it a title of Nerve Pain.

You can copy and paste the message you wrote - then you may get some answers…
