Hi everyone,
There are a few posts about stress and MS that I’ve seen, and having just moved house myself I’m convinced there’s a link… But enough about that… For the past 2 weeks i’ve had a tingle in my leg… For the first few days it wasn’t altogether unpleasant, just a bit strange and a bit itchy, but then it developed into a series of painful sensations. At first it felt like I’d been running on hot tarmac, and the bottom of my foot felt raw, painful to walk, painful when I moved, standing and with my foot up. This then turned into a sensation I can only liken to having chilblains… After this an intense heat sensation where it feels my leg, up to my knee, is permanently sitting in a bowl of boiling water.
My nurse has said that this is background MS, but I’m just scared this is going to happen lots… I think if I was told it was a relapse I could deal with it better as I know its going to go…
I’m just wondering if anyone with RRMS has had this before? Is this something I just have to get used to? Its scaring me as its the forst time I’ve really been affected in terms of what I can do… Even my optic neuritis didn’t leave me feeling so stuck.
Can anyone offer any advice? Is there anything I can do to ease the pain?