tentative diagnosis?

hi everyone. i have seen my neuro and he gave me a tentative diagnosis. i am not really sure what that means. i think i went into a sort of shock as he used the words aggressive, chemo drugs and a special blood test to be sent to copenhagen. he ordered another mri and lumber puncture, bladder dynamics and to see a neuro phycologist. i have been for the mri, but dont yet have the other appointments. i feel i am really in a state of complete limbo and finding every thing is such an effort. my neuro has been great my gp very good and my hubby fantastic. i am in contact with the local ms society and getting lots of practical help. but i feel so very much alone, i try not to feel sorry for myself and wallow in misery but somtimes i just have to! i hope i havnt depressed anyone who reads this but it is good to get it out. but on a happy note i have a card for discounted swimming and a i go trampolining to but with crutches it might be a bit awkward! love to everyone lorraine x x x x

Having a deja vu moment here - I could swear that I’ve read this post before!

I guess the neuro isn’t 100% confident yet - hence the “tentative” and the extra tests.

Take it one step at a time - no point in worrying about things that may not happen.

Karen x

sorry i might have said all this before, memory failure! just feeling so low at the moment and the same things going through my head all the time. it is quite good to get it out and i cant help worrying, but as i said just feeling low. early night is on the cards, tomorrow is another day. love lorraine x x x x