symptoms seem like MS Hug


Im currently awaiting an MRI scan which could be up to 5 weeks away, for 12 days now ive had numbness, tingling pins and needles, and its only increased in sensation, its mainly around my middle, my chest and back is numb but has now started tingly, like I have ants crawlin under my skin and today I feel like my stomach is being gently pushed in constantly, just below the middle of my ribcage where its soft. It sounds like the MS hug but Im not diagnsed with MS. I had a clear MRI scan 2 years ago from Optic Neuritis s mentally cant help but think its likely.

I have intense tingling in my hands and fingers like I literally have elastic bands around them. I cant be prescribed anything to relieve any symptoms so any advise as to anything I can do, would help immensly I have 2 young children and I feel I cant look after them properly as this is all so draining emotionally and physically to be honest.

As time goes on im beginnin to think I should force myself to get on with stuff but would that delay recovery?

:frowning: thanks

Hi there,

I would think a trip to your GP would be a sensible idea right now.

The feeling you’re experiencing could be the hug, its very different from person to person, but could be many other things too. However, coupled with the numbness and tingling fingers etc, I think you should see someone.

You say you can’t be prescribed anything, but why not? Your GP can prescribe for symptom relief, and if you’re looking after young children, you need all the help you can get. Pushing through and getting on with it has something to be said for it, but only up to a point. If you are concerned and suffering enough to be seeking advice here, I would think I would certainly try and see your GP, even if its just so these symptoms go on record.

Good luck with it all, and hope the MRI goes well xx