
My legs have been really bad today. We went to a small market town in the Penines, for lunch and its fair to say, that when I got out of the car, I played swing ball with my hubby as the centre pole !! Very funny !! Gotta laugh at the sheer absurdity of it !! So the loveliness himself, just made me, cheesyhammyeggy on a raft. Apparently a naval speciality. It was lovely. Xx

Well done MrsH for staying so cheerful and well done for loveliness himself to treat you. Take care,



Aye aye Captain. Was your hubby a sailor then?

luv Pollx

Yes Poll, he was. Leading Marine Engineering Mechanic, Royal Navy…and very proud of it. Seen a lot of good (photo of him posing with Miss Miami is testament to that !! Well the smile on his face is !!) and a lot of horror. Think 1980’s. Xx

Which lil town was it that u visited me dear I’m from Derbyshire oringinaly miss it some days lol but only cus that’s where all my family are "/ I like to ‘dance’ to lol leaning tower of Loulou that’s me lol

It was Allendale. Really lovely. It’s only about half an hour from us so we are very lucky. Half an hour east takes us into the city of Newcastle or the metrocentre but we’re right on the edge of the Northumberland national park and not far from the Cumbrian border. Not sure what the locals made of my peculiar little entrance though !! Xx

I’m sure they loved ur inpromtu entertainment lol :slight_smile: xx

:slight_smile: Xx