Supra Pubic Catheter

Advice needed. I am due to have a Supra Pubic Catheter put in, currently have a Urethra Catheter and am unsure whether to go ahead. Please advise.


I’ve had an SPC for a couple of years now. I’ve not had a urethra catheter, so can’t compare. But the SPC is a doddle to manage. I have it either connected to a leg bag or a flip-flow valve (basically like a tap, which you leave closed for a few hours, then open it to empty your bladder). It gets changed every few weeks (6 in my case) by a district nurse at home.

Is there anything in particular you want to know?


It’s a personal thing really.

All I can do is sy that since having my SPC last July my life has changed dramatically. I was almost housebound before and now I am able to leave the house and not have to worry about wetting myself.

Good luck with it if you do decide to go ahead. And remember we are all here for you.

Shazzie xx

Hi, I also have an spc…about 3 or 4 years now.

It isnt completely without it`s problems, but overall I think it is tons better than the urethral type. I had that type for 5 months and hated it. I found it very painful to sit.

The spc type is more comfortable. But I didnt get on with using the valve for emptying, due to spasms. I use a day bag and night bag. I still wear pads to safeguard any minor accidents.


Good point Poll. I too wear a pad every day because I do “dribble” occasionally.

Shazzie xx

My pads are more for back end, than front!!!



I had mine done on Friday. At first I thought it was easy as pie, no pain, no trouble and in the hospital there was just clear wee in the collection bag. There have been a few teething troubles since getting home though. For example, I thought I could go straight onto using a flip flow valve (as Dan described), but started to leak around the catheter entry hole within about 30 minutes. I think the bladder needs time to heal before trying again. But I will try again in a few weeks. So now I’m using a leg bag plus a night bag. I’m also going to try out a belly bag as the nurse told me they work quite well for people who are less mobile.

I’ve also got a fair amount of blood coming out. But apparently that’s normal. The community nurse this morning said the wound site looks very clean and neat. In fact she made me feel a bit like it’s all completely normal and my fussing over a bit of blood showing up was a bit silly.

So, I can’t say go ahead, do it, it’s easy. It’s literally been 3 days. But I do reckon it’s probably easier in a way than a urethral catheter once it’s all healed up.
