
Can stress bring on a relapse? Also how do you not get stressed especially when you don’t feel well? It’s a vicious circle.

Hello Zipster

I was making a comment about stress on another link, the other day. I used to be a really calm person but just recently, I find I get stressed really easy. It maybe down to where lesion are in the brain and what damage as been caused.

I personally find meditation helps…when I get the time. Listening to my favourite music…reading a good book.

I avoid crowded and noisy places when I can, that really stresses me out. people shouting give me headache.

Plan things for yourself, that make you feel good, even if its only having your nails manicured. Release thoughs “happy” hormones


I find I am getting more and more stressed the further we get to my diagnosis. I would tend to be a worrier anyway, but since all this news, I have got a lot worse. And my back is just an entire ball of knots! Still trying to figure out how to destress!

Hi Zipster, I have learned over the last 11 years since my ms diagnosis that it does not like stress at all. I believe that stressful circumstances in my personal and professional life more than 13 years ago set the wheels of this illness in motion. I tell people often stress is one thing I try to avoid and it has meant me making great changes that may be deemed as selfish but hey this is my life we are talking about. I have taught myself over the years to recognise stress triggers and avoid them whenever poss. Like blossom I find days when I get stressed by any single thing, often trite silly things and I too question if my temporal lobe lesion is responsible, but I take a step back and breathe, meditation is a valuable tool but it took me a while to master even the basics and I have what Budda would call a ’ monkey mind’ I jump from one metaphorical branch to another in my head and find creating calm difficult. I have studied Reiki and am attuned to level two and that too is a beneficial therapy in relaxation… But lovely when all else fails a walk along the beach always comes up trumps. So personally I would say in ms as in many illness’s stress is not good. Joy xx