spirulina day 3

Morning guys and gals.

Glad we had enough rain to wash all the snow away. But having said that, I know it will cause flooding for some. I am sorry for those who have been flooded time and time again.

Back to my post`s title.

This is day 3 of taking spirulina.

The most amazing thing is this;

Like many of us here, I am a slave to constipation, so i was hoping the new stuff would help out with that…and it has!

I hadnt been` for 3/4 days and usually take movicol evening and morning to shift me. But just to see if spirulina had an effect on my sluggish bowels, i didnt take any.

And yeh, i`ve just been…yehaaa! I feel great.

So, so far so good.

luv Pollx