Sounds in Head

Hi all, A wierd one this, I have a low swishing sound in the middle of my head when I look left and right. It’s not there unless I move like this, so don’t think it’s tinnitus. Has anyone experienced this or could it be the Gabapentin ( 5 days in)? Thank you x

Hi Peanutgirl I have sounds in my ears constantly, but have noticed over the last couple of months that if I turn my head to the right I get a weird, low-pitched whooshing sound in my left ear. It sounds similar to what you’re describing, but I have no idea what it is. I have an appointment at the balance clinic next week so will ask them as they are ‘ear focussed’!

I get a sound & feeling in my head occasionally, not found any reason yet that ignites it, I have named it the human purr had this for years, consultant looked at me as if I was mad cause I labelled it the purr.He didn’t dismiss the sound as not m.s related. I wasn’t on any meds for many years.

It doesn’t stress me it can last from a few seconds to 20 mins.I wonder if its electricity shorting on a minor level?

It does remind me of a cat purring.

Pauline xx

Thanks, interesting. It’s still there when I look left and right, but it’s not in my ears - def inside head in the middle. I am constantly bunged up or have a runny nose, maybe it’s a congestion thing. Will mention at next doc appt Best wishes to all x

I had that when I was going off an antidepressant. A friend had it from superior canal dehiscence which turned out to be a cerebral spinal fluid leak.

I was going to suggest AD withdrawal, too! I’ve had weird movement-related effects with that, although I think just moving my eyes made some kind of noise, whether or not I also turned my head.

Irrelevant of course, Peanutgirl, if you’re not coming off ADs, or missed one or two by mistake. But if you are, there’s loads of stuff online about withdrawal effects. Lots of people call this phenomenon “head-zaps” or “brain-zaps”. Of course, if the person happens to have MS already, it’s quite hard to distinguish from other neurological weirdness that might happen.



Had depression several years ago, but no probs now - no ads. I will ask doc if could be Gabapentin or just another odd symptom o_O !!

Strange one. I get a whoosing (sorry best word) in my ears and it feels warm. Odd sensation but definetly feels like it moves. I have taken pregabalin (not on currently). hard to explain but not a nice feeling. x

Whooshing can tie into SSCDs as well as Intracranial Hypertension (and some steroids can increase intracranial pressure). Hope you can find some answers x