Sort of pain, sort of numbness

Hello all and Happy New Year everyone!

Heres a bit of a strange question, but when/if you get that weird feeling of pins and needles/numbness/crawling in your leg/legs, where does the strange feling start & end?

My weird feeling starts in the middle of the back of my thigh and ends on my heel. So I’m just thinking nerve pain would start where the nerve starts? Or is it normal to start and finish in weird places like mine?


Sharon x

I think it’s very normal to appear in random places, I get one in my left butt cheek that feels like a mobile phone on vibrate but deep inside the flesh. I never thought about it in the way you have, I’ve just explained it to myself that it’s like when there’s a pinhole in a hose pipe and the water is spraying out of it. Which may or may not make any sense!

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Hi sallum

For me, there’s a dividing line almost straight down the middle of me, the left side has pins and needles/numbness/bugs crawling from head to toe including left arm (which is where it all started) - it began in 2013 with my left hand and spread to pretty much the whole of my left side, there is now some weirdness / loss of sensation / muscle tightness on the right side too, but I predominantly affected on my left.

Mine has been a mix of things that affect left and right exactly equally and things that are one side only - mostly the former. My MS seems to enjoy symmetry.