
Sometimes only a Snicker will do! A relative had phoned to say thanks for a birthday card, her son over hearing the conversation asked if a child had written it. I have made another of coffee and unwrapped a Snicker, obviously it was me that had written the card. Earlier this morning - much earlier I was lying in bed thinking how am I going to move these heavy legs. Feeling a bit sorry for myself, what would I do without you? Take care, be safe. M x


You`re right about the snicker.

Hope it helped.



Cheer up M. Your family on here all understand.

The days are already getting longer and Spring is around the corner.

Dr Pat says keep taking the Snickers and lots of TLC!

Love Pat xx


I agree with Dr. Pat…a little of what you fancy does you good.

Roll on Spring.

Pam x


Cheers guys, I have noticed the days getting a bit lighter I like this sort of medication. It took me 10 minutes to think who would understand, I must be getting slow. It’s lovely to know that someone understands, we are family. be safe M xx

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Chin up M!

We are all with you!

Take care,

Nina x


Know how you are feeling! Hope you are feeling better and 'lighter’soon. Anne x

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J x

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What a group/team/club/family xx Take care, be safe and thank you M xx

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Oops, sorry I’m late! Agree 100% but still manage to call them Marathons quite a bit

Hope you’re feeling a bit more chipper now - I got really annoyed last night when my ‘good leg’ started spasming, it’shust horrible when you feel any kind of worsening.

Take care hun & chin up

Sonia x

We are family. We do understand. Xx Anne

Sorry M only just read your message, aww don’t be sad like everyone says we are family what would we do without each other. I felt sad last night my son took me up to see some friends for an hour in his new car. I fell getting out and felt a right fool. Michelle x

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Look on the bright side you fell BUT you did get in the car! Hope it’s only a few bruises what are we like? Take care guys and be safe often much easier said than done I think you are all very special and rather lovely, chocolates all around whatever they are called M xx

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