Hope eveyone is coping ok especially in this heat but ive noticed something the last few months as i have had to phone the police because of unprovoked disability abuse and have noticed a frequent bad change of attitudes with some people because im disabled,I was wondering if anyone else has seen a increase in this behaviour lately or its just me?Has anyone else notcied a increase in being a target lately?
I am very sorry to hear this. That must be so distressing for you.
That’s terrible! What sort of abuse and bad behaviour are you receiving?
Not that it’s any consolation but I tend to think that such attitudes come from people who have rather limited lives and outlooks.
Near where i live i was taking my old dog for a walk on my scooter and this man who has a antique shop sits outside with his dad all day,Anyway my dog sniffed his sign and i was set apon by this,he was clearly looking for a excuse,kept telling me to fuck off and called me a fuckin invalid . This is more or less out side ny home no less as he knows i live near. Im barely out the house. I should be able to leave my home without abuse,Obviously i phone the police as this came from no where and was really weird to be honest. I also found out he did weird stuff to another vulnerable women as well. Peoples attitudes have shifted in a select few ,I get spoken to very rudely for no reason in shops sometimes also. Most people are fine but i have definitely seen a increase and its not a coincidence with everything in the media at the moment and katie hopkins being in my town eaither.
No i have thick skin but i hate bullies.
Well this makes my blood boil, I can honestly tell you now that if that happened to me they’d get the length of my tongue, like you I can’t stand bullies, they should be put in their place. I’m am really sorry it happened to you, you go out, enjoy the walk with your dog and stuff him.
Jean x
I did also. I got off my scooter and he continued to insult me and he locked himself in his car,The police said to me i shouldn’t respond,I replied “Thats not going to happen”
Good for you Lonelylady, I’m proud of you and him, the chicken
and what are the police doing…sweet F all.
Jean x
Sadly, the culture war against vulnerable groups has been one of the most vile expressions of right wing politics in recent years. We should always confront this sort of bad behaviour, otherwise nothing will ever change.
Impressively brave though.