Hi all, I cant believe I havent already posted re the outcome of Tuesdays re-assessment of my needs. head
s been all over the place with recent events in our house, so that`s why I havent let you know what occurred.
Social Worker S came on Tuesday, as I had put a request for more help about 5 months ago! Due to my care plan manager being on long term sick, it had got missed! I didnt push it until last week, as to be honest, i didnt want to appear greedy in asking for more funding!
Anyway, after last week when hubby was taken very poorly, my claim was suddenly found
and acted on urgently.
At the start of the interview, S said she had to warn me that there was a possibility of me losing some of my current funding, as cuts were being implemented in Direrct Payment funding!!! I was surprised and worried at hearing this.
So, she started with the usual questions and asked how each thing was now. Well of course, nothing has improved and isnt likely to, eh? She then asked what would i like the outcome of the interview would be.
I said a Put to Bed service would help, as by teatime, my hubby is tired and can be quite short tempered with me and I sometimes end up bruised and sore, when he puts me to bed…I am happy, however, to go to bed around 6pm every day. he doesnt mean to hurt me, but has a heavy hand when he is tired and has had a bad day with his RA.
I then mentioned a daycare centre which I would like to go to, but cant afford their fees…£60 a day, plus £10 transport costs. I was told they are far too expensive and i should find a cheaper alternative.
I had intened to ask about funding for a respite break, as I have lost the hospice breaks, to give hubby a good break…to be honest, I daren`t mention it at all, so i didnt!
When S asked about help from our 2 daughters and heard how they had reacted last week when their dad was incapacitated, and they were all for putting mein a home for a while, I said i would never ask them for help again. S sympathised.
At the end of the interview, i said I didnt think I wanted to pursue it, as the anxiety of wondering if i could lose current funding, would be too much for me.
I have always said that I feel I have been well treated by Social Services, OTs, District Nurses, GP, and Direct Payments, and now I accept that no further help is available. We don`t do so bad as some poor folk.
We`ll be ok.
luv Pollx