social worker`s assessment

Hi all, I cant believe I havent already posted re the outcome of Tuesdays re-assessment of my needs. heads been all over the place with recent events in our house, so that`s why I havent let you know what occurred.

Social Worker S came on Tuesday, as I had put a request for more help about 5 months ago! Due to my care plan manager being on long term sick, it had got missed! I didnt push it until last week, as to be honest, i didnt want to appear greedy in asking for more funding!

Anyway, after last week when hubby was taken very poorly, my claim was suddenly found and acted on urgently.

At the start of the interview, S said she had to warn me that there was a possibility of me losing some of my current funding, as cuts were being implemented in Direrct Payment funding!!! I was surprised and worried at hearing this.

So, she started with the usual questions and asked how each thing was now. Well of course, nothing has improved and isnt likely to, eh? She then asked what would i like the outcome of the interview would be.

I said a Put to Bed service would help, as by teatime, my hubby is tired and can be quite short tempered with me and I sometimes end up bruised and sore, when he puts me to bed…I am happy, however, to go to bed around 6pm every day. he doesnt mean to hurt me, but has a heavy hand when he is tired and has had a bad day with his RA.

I then mentioned a daycare centre which I would like to go to, but cant afford their fees…£60 a day, plus £10 transport costs. I was told they are far too expensive and i should find a cheaper alternative.

I had intened to ask about funding for a respite break, as I have lost the hospice breaks, to give hubby a good break…to be honest, I daren`t mention it at all, so i didnt!

When S asked about help from our 2 daughters and heard how they had reacted last week when their dad was incapacitated, and they were all for putting mein a home for a while, I said i would never ask them for help again. S sympathised.

At the end of the interview, i said I didnt think I wanted to pursue it, as the anxiety of wondering if i could lose current funding, would be too much for me.

I have always said that I feel I have been well treated by Social Services, OTs, District Nurses, GP, and Direct Payments, and now I accept that no further help is available. We don`t do so bad as some poor folk.

We`ll be ok.

luv Pollx

Hi again. I see no-one replied to this post, but that`s fine.

But I just want to warn anyone that when applying for further Direct Payments funding, you could lose some/all of your current care package.

I was shocked when i was told the new situation…more cost cutting plans.

Its like DLA, isnt it, when it is possible to lose current awards.

luv Pollx

hi poll

i may have not repled but have thought plenty!

i was offered dp recently-thought long and hard re it. pointed out a few problems that i would have with the system and why it would not work for me. i pointed out that short term plans were in place and their suggestions for long term were not practical. i am glad i decided against. but here lies a huge difference between the theory (of help that exists) and putting it in to practise. thats a brief account-the real account of events would suggest,if i told you, that i was making it up! if only…

oh well,but i live in reality,not theory!

poll-ta for letting me release that! its been a long 6 months and counting…

ellie x

This is all so wrong Poll. You can ill afford to lose funding and need more help! I do not know how these people sleep at night! I hope you manage to maintain the status quo. Take care, Teresa xx

I didn’t notice you post yesterday

I wish the situation was so much better for all of us. I’m not claiming anything at the moment because even the thought of filling the blinkin’ DVLA form in stresses me out. It makes me think about the future, which scares the heck out of me. Which is why I don’t have anything sensible to say - just that I’m thinking of you and hope that the SW comes back with lots of sensible support.

The whole thing is crazy. I can’t express how I feel. Just because we are ‘ill’ doesn’t mean ‘they’ can torment us, does it?

take care,


Hi Poll,

I have a son with severe learning disabilities. He cannot do anything for himself. I have had several social workers over the years. My previous one always made me feel guilty when I askedd for some help. When Patrick left school we were given 2 days per week at day care. When he turned 19 and was deemed an adult I got a new social worker, She couldnt believe that I was only offered 2 days per week given the fact that I had problems myself. Within 2 weeks we had a 5 day place with transport. We also got 2 weeks respite during the summer and hubby and I and the other 3 children got away for our first real family holiday. Furthermore we are not charged for these services. My new social worker more or less said that you have to shout and scream for help. But you sound like me and dont like to make a fuss.

Take Care and I hope you get something sorted.

Moyna xxx

Makes me so angry Poll that cuts are eating into the services like this. I don’t suppose the bankers are feeling the pinch… or the likes of Starbucks and Amazon who are not paying any corporate tax!!!

But I do understand why you feel you don’t want to pursue it, esp when you could lose funding.

And the day centre… find a cheaper alternative? What? Where?

Your story should be in the papers Poll. A good example of how this government is failing us.

Take care hon and hope you’re having a good weekend (despite all of the above!)

Pat x

Hi Poll,

I didn’t answer this before, as I’m not yet eligible for PIP, and when or if I ever am, it will probably all have changed again, so I didn’t feel I could contribute very much.

BUT, there does seem something fundamentally wrong about simply enquiring after further funding potentially leading to REDUCTION of what you already have. I’m wondering if this is just a scare tactic, to save money?

After all, if everyone who might be eligible for more is too scared to apply, in case they might not only be refused, but have existing payments cut, they’ve completely eradicated demand, haven’t they? What rational person is going to chance it?

It’s already been demonstrated that your present arrangements are not wholly adequate, and could compromise the safety of both you and your husband. Which was why you were referred for an assessment. Why, when people are referred for assessment, because there’s already been an “incident”, are they then being told their money could be reduced if they proceed with it?

Haven’t your payments only recently been increased anyway? So it makes no sense they might remove them again, when recent events indicate your needs have increased.

I think you need to take this up with someone, but I’m not sure who. MP perhaps, or local counsellor? The worst that should happen if you apply for something is you get told “No”. Asking shouldn’t jeopardise what you already have, otherwise nobody will ever ask for anything, but struggle on until there’s a tragedy.

Maybe raising it with your doctor would help? You see, I think there’s a good chance you’d qualify for extra funding, after what’s happened, but you can’t ever get it if they’ve made damn sure you’re too scared to apply.



Hi ellie, I am intererested/curious to know what happened. Care to pm me about it?

luv Pollx

Hi T, we`ll cope as best we can.

luv Pollx

Hi Ellen, no, the Sw wont be coming back with helpful ideas. Case closed for her.

Those DLA forms are a nightmare. I`ve been on DLA since 2000 and had to re-apply every 3 years. I was awarded it indefinitely in 2008. But that wont exempt me from the new PIP, which is replacing DLA soon. What with that and Incap being replaced with ESA, I am worried about the future too.

luv Pollx

Hi Moya, I am so pleased the you have now got a good system going for Patrick. Makes a difficult life a bit easier for you and the family.

We`ll cope the best way we can.

luv Pollx

Youre right Tina....they have made me to scared to persue my application for extra funding. Im not going to appeal, as I am too brain tired to do so.

If we ever have a similar crisis in our house, I wont call Social Services or our daughters. My sister is one I can rely on. If she is unavailable, then I`ll stay in bed till hubby feels better.

And if ever we should lose benefits ie DLA, ESA, DPs, we`ll sell up and live in our campervan.

luv Pollx

Hi Pat, ta for your reply hun.

I wont apply again…for further funding. They have succeeded in their scare tactics…bully for them, eh?

luv Pollx

poll-i willsend u a pm tonight

ellie x

Okay hun. Look forward to that. I`ll read it tomorrow as I log off around tea time.

luv Pollx