sleep sleep sleep

Yesterday I slept all day got up at tea time managed to go with family to fireworks then when straight back to sleep. Then woke up today at 11 had something to eat and just woke up again could easily go back to sleep but fighting it so wwe can ha e tea together how much sleep does one person need lol. Body feels numb and have to think hard to do anything or say anything . This has bought me to a question of interest what is the longest time someone has slept for without waking or how many many days have you just woken to eat or toilet ?

hi there

i have been through that early on after my diagnosis.

i still have days when i don’t bother getting dressed because i’m always in bed by 8.00 pm so if i wake up late theres no point in getting dressed. everybody buys me pyjamas for my birthday now!

i have done 2 full days of sleeping, waking to pee and have a drink and something to eat.

look on it as a lovely lazy day.

wishing you well

carole x

I have got used to napping everyday just never been this extreme . Doesn’t bother me as such just feel sorry for me hubby sometimes has to entertain the kids but plan for today was to do nothing anyway thought it would be interesting to see how it affects others

When I was working full-time, I used to sleep in the medical room for 1-2 hours after lunch and go to bed at 7pm during the week and then stay in bed all weekend. This went on for about a year before I finally gave up. I took early retirement and got my life back!

Fatigue is the pits

Karen x

Been off work for 2 months lucky my bosses have become good friends and have even said if I want to work when I am able 2 they don’t mind they appreciate how hard I ha e worked for them they even take and bring back my son from football. Think I am very lucky in that respect

I have pretty much spent this past week being more asleep than awake

luckly i only work part-time and in term time only so its been half term but im dredding going back to the mania of work 2moro

by the time i get home at 2 im ready for my bed but if i dare give in and nap then i find most nights this means i wont sleep mor than maybe 2hrs without having to go to the loo ( im convinced my bladders out to get me lol)

The longest i have slept for was 32hrs!! ( when i was working on the Army Cadet camps as a teenager and my sister tells me that i got up to go to the loo twice but i have no recollection of this lol)

Hope ur fatigue eases up a lil soon so u can try n get back to some sort of normality with ur family llife


for me its different, I would love to be able to sleep a whole 8 hours in one go…I am always exhausted and even a coughing fit can make me really tired. Its the pain that I get when in bed, back, left arm and leg. Also the muscles on the left side of my body keep tightening it can be like a heart beat or like somebody wringing out a dish cloth. So I get up and walk about at all hours. Also staying in bed beyound 6 or 7 hours would mean I would wake up very stiff and unable to stand straight up for an hour so. I work fulltime and off at the moment.