silly me !!!

I woke this morning with such a great idea, my duvet cover needed putting on the duvet, so i set about the job,such a simple task, managed it a lot in the past…

only it didnt work out as planned, i am laid on the bloody bed, exhausted and in tears,can hardly get my breath…so WHY do i still think i can do things like this I CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN’T DO IT ANYMORE so why dont i just accept it !!!

all this and the duvet needs a good shake to sort it…its laid on my bed in a lumpy mess,if i had the strength i would kick it round the room… i feel so defeated.

J x


To be honest I have ALWAYS got myself tangled up and exhausted when trying to change the duvet cover even long before my first symptoms :relaxed:


‘Stop, flop, breathe.’ That’s what I was told. I would add ‘S*d the duvet!’. Hope you’r e feeling better now.

Kev x


My sympathies Mrs J, I have done a lot of crying changing the bl**dy thing. My husband hates changing it too. Am thinking next step is to get my daughter but I keep thinking I can do it and I just end up in a mess both physically and mentally.

Mags xx


i am my own worst enemy ,and each time i say i wont try and do things anymore…i always do,think i always will too,old habits die hard.I was feeling really bad anyway and feel even worse now.

J x


Ok get duvet cover outside in over corner of cover up to duvet get to clothes pegs hand inside outside in duvet hold duvet to cover with clothes pegs have a rest for a few minutes then gently pull cover over duvet easier with two sod the little buttons or popper things ,can’t make anything of them george


I now employ a young woman to come in for an hour a week to do those jobs that have left me injured either physically or mentally (my bed having done both often). She changes my bed and hoovers the stairs every week and then cleans the insides of my windows or my bathroom tiles, just any other tasks I haven’t managed to do that week that need doing.

I find myself less stressed as I’m not getting upset over those things I can’t do knowing she’ll arrive on Friday and help me out. If I need longer in order to move furniture or anything she’ll do that too. Definitely worth the money.

Cath xx


I also employ someone like Cath. She cleans every week and every fortnight she changes my bedding. I even have a mobile laundry which picks up my laundry fortnightly and returns it next day washed and ironed. I use my DLA to pay for these wonderful things which I would be lost without.

A few of my neighbours don’t use duvet covers at all. They have a top sheet and duvet, and during day have bedspread on. Not a bad idea at all. In fact I’ve heard that in Scandinavia where the duvet was invented, they don’t use covers.

Rest and relax J. We have all been there.

Pat xx


You have my sympathy Mrs J, it’s really difficult when you think you can do it, only to find, usually in a flood of tears and words that should not be heard, that it is no longer possible.

Laying in bed at night, I plan the things I am going to do next day, only when morning comes and I try, only to realise that I can’t. Why oh why do we continually put ourselves through it, makes no sense at all.

What about seeing if someone could give you a couple of hours a week to do things that you can’t. Maybe a Mum with school children would welcome the idea of earning a little crust, that would help both of you.

Lovely sunny day here today, hope everyone has the same.

Pam x


Mrs J, duvet covers can defeat the most abled-bodied and determined people. You can get covers to fit without the crazy flapping operation. I bought one for my father a few years ago.

I’ve had the same battle with belts and buttons on trousers. Hello elasticised belts and larger waited trousers-I don’t really mind looking like Co-co the clown. Then there’s the extra wide shoes. Because my feet were all swollen I needed themaximum width. Then the doctor changed my hypertension medication and they went back to normal size. But I paid a fortune for those shoes so I’m wearing them. Seeing that I use a wheelchair or scooter outside, tat will be a lifetime! It’s so frustrating sometimes/all the time.

Big hugs (((((((((((((((((((((((:- I)))))))))))))))))))))) Steve


Don’t give up, never give in! Where is the fun if we always remember we have MS and stuffed in so many ways? I’m hoping you are reading stuffed, as fu**ed.

I’m still learning to pace myself after 9 yearstake careM


stuff the duvet - but never give up cos that’s giving in. You tried - it didn’t work out - don’t let it get you down - applaud yourself for making the effort.

Sending you a big hug, a bar of chocolate and strength to face the lumpy duvet tonight!



Lol , thanks for your replies,i cant believe i get into a state over things like i do, its like its the end of the world at the time.

i just need to ask for help a bit more, something i cant get used to though.


Asking for help is the hardest thing for me to do too. My mum bullied me into hiring Rachel to help and my daughter and I row often when she sees me struggling to do things. I find it extremely difficult to stay seated while someone else is busy doing anything but I’m also realistic and know that there are some things in just not capable of doing safely any more.

Take care.

Cath xx


Dear Mrs J,

Thank you for completing our customer satisfaction survey. I can assure you that we at Duvet World are working very hard to fix the problem in your area.


Duvet World, Hugh Town, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, Cornwall.

Dear Mrs J,

Our engineers have now completed their inspection and we are confident that duvet covers are the work of the Devil. Use blankets. It’s still February.


Duvet World, Hugh Town, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, Cornwall.

in administration, Truro County Court Judgement 2900/2016)


Lol nice one